2024 Presidential Election Thread

Trueblue23 BASEDgod
7,504 posts 17 reps Joined Nov 2009
Tue, Sep 3, 2024 9:05 AM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

I can’t imagine an NFL team endorsing a political candidate under any circumstances  

gut Senior Member
18,369 posts 116 reps Joined Nov 2009
Tue, Sep 3, 2024 10:17 AM

Although it makes perfect sense, it's funny to read someone having their advertising company work to eliminate fake advertising.

CenterBHSFan 333 - I'm only half evil
7,259 posts 53 reps Joined Nov 2009
Tue, Sep 3, 2024 11:32 AM

So allegedly, the Harris campaign has accused Tim Poole of saying that he supports arresting and executing people who don't support Trump. He's hiring a legal team. He denies it.

This could get real ugly, real fast. I don't know who in that campaign thought that was a good idea.

CenterBHSFan 333 - I'm only half evil
7,259 posts 53 reps Joined Nov 2009
Tue, Sep 3, 2024 11:37 AM

And since I'm already talking about Kamala, she is now denying that she worked to help bail out antifa and other rioters.


Even WaPo is publishing evidence that she did lol

This woman hahaha

BR1986FB Senior Member
27,923 posts 124 reps Joined Feb 2010
Tue, Sep 3, 2024 3:47 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

And since I'm already talking about Kamala, she is now denying that she worked to help bail out antifa and other rioters.


Even WaPo is publishing evidence that she did lol

This woman hahaha

Pretty sure she also has posts, that she has removed, about "poor Jussie Smollett" and the hate crime he endured.
QuakerOats Senior Member
11,701 posts 66 reps Joined Nov 2009
Tue, Sep 3, 2024 4:33 PM
posted by iclfan2

Kamala thought it was smart to put out a statement about Trump at Arlington, and now the gold star families from the withdrawal, who were silent until now, are putting out videos ripping her for never reaching out to them or saying their children’s names. Whether they are to blame for the deaths or not, pretty fucked up to ignore it and pretend it never happened. 

Yep.  They are silent no more. 

QuakerOats Senior Member
11,701 posts 66 reps Joined Nov 2009
Tue, Sep 3, 2024 4:41 PM



There is also a montage someone posted of all her different accents in use during campaigning.  What a fraud. 

geeblock Member
1,123 posts 0 reps Joined May 2018
Tue, Sep 3, 2024 4:49 PM
posted by QuakerOats



There is also a montage someone posted of all her different accents in use during campaigning.  What a fraud. 

Fun fact about black people. They talk differently around white people or at work or any Situation that calls for it. Literally  every black person. Google code switching. Nothing to see here 

geeblock Member
1,123 posts 0 reps Joined May 2018
Ironman92 Administrator
56,729 posts 167 reps Joined Nov 2009
Tue, Sep 3, 2024 5:00 PM
posted by geeblock

Fun fact about black people. They talk differently around white people or at work or any Situation that calls for it. Literally  every black person. Google code switching. Nothing to see here 

So I can no longer be impressed with Mel Blanc?

QuakerOats Senior Member
11,701 posts 66 reps Joined Nov 2009
Tue, Sep 3, 2024 5:00 PM


She is one big phony

iclfan2 Reppin' the 330/216/843
9,465 posts 99 reps Joined Nov 2009
Tue, Sep 3, 2024 5:11 PM
posted by geeblock

Fun fact about black people. They talk differently around white people or at work or any Situation that calls for it. Literally  every black person. Google code switching. Nothing to see here 

Yes that is a thing, Arian foster has talked about it on a podcast I listen to. BUT, Kamala never grew up in any place with an accent like that, nor in the streets. She’s cosplaying. 
Ironman92 Administrator
56,729 posts 167 reps Joined Nov 2009
Tue, Sep 3, 2024 5:11 PM
posted by geeblock

Solid take here


It would take an IQ of 73 to believe that Trump’s IQ is 73

CenterBHSFan 333 - I'm only half evil
7,259 posts 53 reps Joined Nov 2009
Heretic Son of the Sun
20,517 posts 203 reps Joined Nov 2009
Tue, Sep 3, 2024 5:23 PM

posted by QuakerOats



There is also a montage someone posted of all her different accents in use during campaigning.  What a fraud. 

Yeah, I saw that online a couple (or few) days ago and remember thinking that this was the sort of wacky criticism of a political figure that seems designed to be an effective way to weed out the dummies. Because they're the ones who actually think it's something worth discussion.

So, uh, congrats?

CenterBHSFan 333 - I'm only half evil
7,259 posts 53 reps Joined Nov 2009
geeblock Member
1,123 posts 0 reps Joined May 2018
Tue, Sep 3, 2024 5:48 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

The only question I have about any of these Twitter people is the last one.

Trump sent his supporters to go kill Mike Pence?

Lime, seriously dude? WTF

That’s closer to reality that Kamala Harris being more mean to Mike pence than trump 

geeblock Member
1,123 posts 0 reps Joined May 2018
Tue, Sep 3, 2024 5:50 PM
posted by iclfan2
Yes that is a thing, Arian foster has talked about it on a podcast I listen to. BUT, Kamala never grew up in any place with an accent like that, nor in the streets. She’s cosplaying. 

I call it more empathy than cosplay but at the end of the day it’s just more desperation because all your guy can really do is walk around saying trust me it will be bigly great 

geeblock Member
1,123 posts 0 reps Joined May 2018



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