2024 Presidential Election Thread

CenterBHSFan 333 - I'm only half evil
7,259 posts 53 reps Joined Nov 2009
Mon, Aug 26, 2024 9:35 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

This stuff happens in the lead up to every election - on both sides. Look at all the former Trump staffers who’ve bailed on him.  

It’d be awful cynical for me to suggest the high profile aisle floppers may be looking future posts, wouldn’t it?

Not cynical at all imo. Something has to be in line for Jr and Tulsi. But no way would Cornel West or Jill Stein team up with Trump in some way. And that's my point - there is something else going on that we can't yet see that are sending high profile people away from that side of the aisle. 


geeblock Member
1,123 posts 0 reps Joined May 2018
Tue, Aug 27, 2024 6:12 AM
posted by jmog

Having a thought out belief on why one should be allowed to do something with an actual argument is valid even if said person has 100% the opposite view as I, or you do.

What is asinine is saying 50% of the population has no right to an opinion. 

What I actually said was that I personally don’t feel comfortable getting involved with something that will never happen to me. I didn’t say that any other male couldn’t or shouldn’t have an opinion. U literally made that up and ran with it. 

CenterBHSFan 333 - I'm only half evil
7,259 posts 53 reps Joined Nov 2009
Tue, Aug 27, 2024 12:30 PM
posted by jmog

Depends  I guess.  Most would but not all.

When I had my consultation for a vasectomy my wife had to sign off on  me even getting one “because we were young”.

She changed her mind and got fixed herself (long story) and her OBGYN didn’t make her have me sign off on anything.

Sounds like female privilege to me :)

QuakerOats Senior Member
11,701 posts 66 reps Joined Nov 2009
Tue, Aug 27, 2024 1:41 PM

Tulsi and RFK added to Trump transition team.  

Dr Winston O'Boogie Senior Member
3,345 posts 35 reps Joined Oct 2010
Tue, Aug 27, 2024 1:58 PM
posted by QuakerOats

Tulsi and RFK added to Trump transition team.  

And that’s just how the swamp works.

BR1986FB Senior Member
27,923 posts 124 reps Joined Feb 2010
Tue, Aug 27, 2024 2:13 PM

Dolt doesn't have an original thought in her head. After chastising Trump for wanting to build his "vanity" border wall, now this idiot thinks it's a good idea to build a wall. Blows my mind that people believe that the least popular VP in history, or at least top 3, deserves a promotion. And when will she do an interview?

And now this? Truly shows the FBI helped the Dems rig the 2020 election to get Weekend at Bernie's elected. 


CenterBHSFan 333 - I'm only half evil
7,259 posts 53 reps Joined Nov 2009
Tue, Aug 27, 2024 2:33 PM

Kamala's handlers don't want her to give interviews at all. They want her to be able to have notes for debates with Trump. And the only excuse given is "Trump isn't giving interviews either! *piss, fart*"

Heretic Son of the Sun
20,517 posts 203 reps Joined Nov 2009
Tue, Aug 27, 2024 2:48 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

Kamala's handlers don't want her to give interviews at all. They want her to be able to have notes for debates with Trump. And the only excuse given is "Trump isn't giving interviews either! *piss, fart*"

Which means that I'd say the main problem is that we have a race between a person whom many think is a dolt incapable of thinking on her own and a person whom many think is a mentally crumbling geriatric AND neither of them seem to want to step out of their comfort zone and do anything that, depending on how it goes, either dispels those concerns to some level or really brings them to the forefront. Really gives a person confidence in the system...

BR1986FB Senior Member
27,923 posts 124 reps Joined Feb 2010
Tue, Aug 27, 2024 2:55 PM
posted by Heretic

Which means that I'd say the main problem is that we have a race between a person whom many think is a dolt incapable of thinking on her own and a person whom many think is a mentally crumbling geriatric AND neither of them seem to want to step out of their comfort zone and do anything that, depending on how it goes, either dispels those concerns to some level or really brings them to the forefront. Really gives a person confidence in the system...

Make em' interview! If college/pro coaches are required to speak to the media 1-2x's per week, these bastards should have to talk.

CenterBHSFan 333 - I'm only half evil
7,259 posts 53 reps Joined Nov 2009
Tue, Aug 27, 2024 3:51 PM

Well, I can only point to the fact that a few weeks ago Trump went to be interviewed by the national black journalist association which everybody knew was going to be confrontational. The better question is when hasn't Trump, since 2016, been vetted and confronted by the press?

Kamala won't even be interviewed by media who loves her.

They are not the same.

QuakerOats Senior Member
11,701 posts 66 reps Joined Nov 2009
Tue, Aug 27, 2024 3:56 PM

Trump is giving interviews left and right, any day of the week.  Leftists are hiding their moronic anointed one, hoping that the basement scheme works again.  Or, they know they already have the votes manufactured and they don't give a shit. 

jmog Senior Member
7,737 posts 51 reps Joined Nov 2009
Tue, Aug 27, 2024 3:59 PM
posted by geeblock

What I actually said was that I personally don’t feel comfortable getting involved with something that will never happen to me. I didn’t say that any other male couldn’t or shouldn’t have an opinion. U literally made that up and ran with it. 

It is commonly used argument by the left, that men (sorry, now non-uterus havers) aren't allowed to even have an opinion. I wasn't directing my ire at you, at the argument.

CenterBHSFan 333 - I'm only half evil
7,259 posts 53 reps Joined Nov 2009
Tue, Aug 27, 2024 4:32 PM
posted by jmog

It is commonly used argument by the left, that men (sorry, now non-uterus havers) aren't allowed to even have an opinion. I wasn't directing my ire at you, at the argument.

To be fair, many men would rather pay for an abortion than they would pay for child support. Those men have effectively neutered themselves and others. Not to mention that family courts are biased towards women by default. 

CenterBHSFan 333 - I'm only half evil
7,259 posts 53 reps Joined Nov 2009
Tue, Aug 27, 2024 4:34 PM
posted by QuakerOats

Trump is giving interviews left and right, any day of the week.  Leftists are hiding their moronic anointed one, hoping that the basement scheme works again.  Or, they know they already have the votes manufactured and they don't give a shit. 

Ballot harvesting, still in use in 27 states (leftover from Covid), will work in Dem favor. Just as it did in 2020.

iclfan2 Reppin' the 330/216/843
9,465 posts 99 reps Joined Nov 2009
Tue, Aug 27, 2024 5:45 PM
posted by QuakerOats

Trump is giving interviews left and right, any day of the week.  Leftists are hiding their moronic anointed one, hoping that the basement scheme works again.  Or, they know they already have the votes manufactured and they don't give a shit. 

Looks like she’s coming out of the basement to do a hard hitting pre-recorded interview with CNN, and needs to have Walz with her. 

CenterBHSFan 333 - I'm only half evil
7,259 posts 53 reps Joined Nov 2009
Tue, Aug 27, 2024 5:52 PM
posted by iclfan2

Looks like she’s coming out of the basement to do a hard hitting pre-recorded interview with CNN, and needs to have Walz with her. 

She really needs to show some strong independence. 

If she can't be strong enough to talk to CNN, how in the world will she ever be able to withstand the likes of Putin?

Dr Winston O'Boogie Senior Member
3,345 posts 35 reps Joined Oct 2010
Tue, Aug 27, 2024 6:52 PM
posted by QuakerOats

Trump is giving interviews left and right, any day of the week.  

He’s the People’s Hero!

CenterBHSFan 333 - I'm only half evil
7,259 posts 53 reps Joined Nov 2009
Tue, Aug 27, 2024 7:18 PM

For the very first time... I'm starting to doubt my bet with Justin lol


Dr Winston O'Boogie Senior Member
3,345 posts 35 reps Joined Oct 2010
Tue, Aug 27, 2024 7:28 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

Well, I can only point to the fact that a few weeks ago Trump went to be interviewed by the national black journalist association which everybody knew was going to be confrontational. The better question is when hasn't Trump, since 2016, been vetted and confronted by the press?

Kamala won't even be interviewed by media who loves her.

They are not the same.

Could it be that he does that expressly to fight with his interviewer because that theatre is what a large segment of his followers enjoy watching? I.e., that’s the most popular character he plays.  What he says is irrelevant  

CenterBHSFan 333 - I'm only half evil
7,259 posts 53 reps Joined Nov 2009
Tue, Aug 27, 2024 8:12 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

Could it be that he does that expressly to fight with his interviewer because that theatre is what a large segment of his followers enjoy watching? I.e., that’s the most popular character he plays.  What he says is irrelevant  

You would be 100% correct if the media wasn't already in attack mode before anybody even takes the stage. I don't think it bothers Trump one bit to match energy for energy, or attitude for attitude. 

I will say it again: Trump has no problem with confrontation or hostility.

Kamala does. She won't even stand/sit by herself for an interview from friendly medias. Kind of throws that boss bitch/brat summer schtick right out of the window.

They are not the same.



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