posted by jmog
Sorry, but “no uterus no opinion” is idiotic. It’s as stupid as saying “those that don’t own guns aren’t allowed to have an opinion on gun control laws”
Are women not allowed to have an opinion on war? Because only men are allowed to be drafted.
It falls apart as soon as any logic is applied to it. People who use it are uninformed at best.
That’s great - all your points. But there irrelevant
The point is, it’s got nothing to do with your logic, nothing. If someone thinks because they are female, a male (or a government) shouldn’t tell them what to do with their body, there is not one thing compelling about what you’re saying. If abortion is ever outlawed, it will never be as the result of a national discussion of your logical contention. It is a highly charged, extremely emotionally-driven issue. What you consider “idiotic” is the primary reason your opinion is not the law of the land.