posted by geeblockSo you would ban Morning after or Plan B pills or any contraceptives that prevent a fertilzed egg from implanting in the uterus.
I didn’t say what I would do at all. I said when science says it’s a human life the type of conversations about when you are allowed to kill said life need to be had. Whats the difference between killing…
A 75 year old
A 45 year old
A 25 year old
A 15 year old
A 5 year old
A 5 month old
A 5 day old
A 5 hour old
A fetus at 9 months ready to be born
A fetus at 7 months
A fetus at 3 months
A fetus at 1 month
A zygote at 3 days
All of those are different stages of human life and development. When can we electively kill any of them?
It’s a serious and hard question to answer. Any logical answer to why we can kill a fetus can be said most of the time about certain adults (age, senility, comas, life support, etc) or even new born babies themselves.