posted by CenterBHSFan
I've been thinking a lot lately about when did the Democrats become so mean, sneering and unlikeable. I really want to pin this down on Hillary Clinton, but it started before her.
Some of the blame goes to Obama with his dismissive and condescending comments about the working class and the Midwest in general. That is to say, even if the comments weren't intended to be dismissive/condescending, they were certainly heard that way.
And with Clinton she intended to have her words heard for what they were. And I think that is when the medias took that attitude and ran with it, made the general attitude mainstream.
Then that idea was picked up and instilled into other Dem politicians who went on to say things like "for every blue collar worker we lose *here* we will pick up to white collar workers *there*". (paraphrasing because I can't remember off the top of my head the exact locations).
Am I wrong in the timeline? If I am, where do you think it started?
And more importantly, do you think that they will come around and back off and away from that attitude or will they just let the Republicans continue to pick up the working class?
Very, very generally, it was during the Obama years where the party took their eyes off the state and local races. That killed the bench and Democrats have been trying to build up those state and local candidates for years.
Ohio is an example where outside the urban areas, Republicans at the county and even at the statehouse level run unopposed.
538 and the Cook Political Report have been digging into it for some years now.
Just curious, when you say Democrats, you mean national prominent ones right? Not, your local or state ones? I see the two as completely different and that goes for both parties generally.