posted by geeblock
I know a lot of teachers that were in repayment on their loans and were paying for 20 years who just had their loans forgiven. So no I’m not talking about public worker loan forgiveness. For me working class doesn’t mean you don’t have a college degree but I guess you work for Webster. Am I allowed to say middle class? I’m for anything that helps middle class people
That’s the issue, I’m for (or at least fine with) programs for teachers and other careers that have a lower income but a public need. But who gets to pick those careers? I’m not for blanket forgiveness for random people or people who chose these giant loans knowing what they were getting into. I also find it hard to believe you could teach for 20 years and not be able to pay off your loans. Either they went to a way too expensive school for an education degree, or chose not to pay them off. Nurses make pretty good money, btw.
I’d also be more for some sort of interest rate cap, but I don’t know how you do that unless the government owns all the loans, and they’ve been proven to be horrible at that. I agree there is an issue, but I disagree with the forgiveness model. People need to learn about compounding interest too.
I saw this make its rounds on Twitter earlier this year, which is the type of blanket forgiveness I disagree with. Guy making $80-$90k working for the government getting his loans forgiven.