posted by ptown_trojans_1
The entire world economy and economic prosperity since 1945. The immense growth in living standards, technology, wealth, and freedom since 1945 is largely do to the US being willing to keep the world economy and democracies free and safe.
I love sounding like Ronald Reagan here lol.
Back in the days of England big houses, the management of them was time honored tradition. If the lady of the house got cold, she had to tell the footman that she wanted more coal in the fireplace. That footmen would them tell the footman in the hallway, then he would have to tell the Butler who then told the coal boy. When the industrial revolution started and more country folk started to leave for the big cities, the manor house was slow to change the system that was all they knew and were raised to know how to manage. But sooner than they would have liked, the mistress of the manor knew that she had no choice but to streamline and develope a whole new way of approaching the care of her home. But face it, she did, along with adapting to what was at hand.
The same theme is happening today in our government. What we were so used to doing no longer applies to the realities that we are currently facing. Change is happening, people are leaving old notions/routines and our government is going to have no choice but to adapt to the loss of old notions and systems.
People are telling the politicians that forever wars, regime change and interfering in *everybody's* business, funding proxy wars are no longer acceptable. It seems that the Republicans are catching on to this at a much faster rate than the Democrats. The Republican party still had the mentality of yesterday, but the number within it sees the writing on the wall and they are working to better fit modernity.