West. Central/Mat Sharks Clinic 4/17/10 Registration form posted

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zambrown's avatar
Posts: 1,093
Mar 23, 2010 4:43pm
In conjunction with the Tiffin Mat Sharks, Westerville Central will be holding a wrestling clinic on Saturday, April 17, 2010 in the auxilliary gym. Mat Shark head coach, Travis Traxler, will give technical instruction and there will be 3-5 former Mat Shark Wrestling Club wrestlers that are college starters now that will be counselors! Guaranteed best clinic for the price, not even close! These sessions will teach ideas about the sport and promote self betterment, not just show moves! First session runs from 9-11:30, lunch is from 11:30-12:00, and there will be two sessions and one 15 min break between noon-4:00p.m.! The cost will be $30 per wrestler. Lunch and drinks will be provided. This is a great off season opportunity for Central Ohio!
cruiser_96's avatar
Posts: 7,536
Mar 23, 2010 6:34pm
Ahhh, it IS here. Nice.
USMCdevil05's avatar
Posts: 904
Mar 23, 2010 9:23pm
how many spots are open still?
Posts: 575
Mar 24, 2010 8:17am
Who are the technicians? Not that it matters, just curious.
zambrown's avatar
Posts: 1,093
Mar 24, 2010 10:35pm
I'm in Virginia Beach right now, lowsingle, but I'll find out when I get back and post, okay? Thanks for the interest.
cruiser_96's avatar
Posts: 7,536
Mar 27, 2010 11:27pm
Please 'Phil' us in when you get those names!
zambrown's avatar
Posts: 1,093
Mar 27, 2010 11:50pm
Will do, cruiser! ;)
Posts: 28
Mar 28, 2010 7:30pm
Just show up and pay, or is pre-registration available?

Posts: 8
Mar 28, 2010 8:17pm
Who is Travis Traxler? Where did wrestle? State Champ?
zambrown's avatar
Posts: 1,093
Mar 28, 2010 9:28pm
We're working on a registration form so that people can pre-register, but we will take entrants at the door as well, James.
zambrown's avatar
Posts: 1,093
Mar 29, 2010 9:44am
Lowsingle, tenatively, the counselors will be Delian Schneider (Heidelberg starter @ 125), Ben Kuzma (Tiffin U starter @ 141), Lukas Schalk (TU starter @ 149), Tyler Young (2 year Cleveland State starter weighs 170ish), Karl Amerine (2X DIII AA, former Willmington College Head Coach, weighs 170ish), & Max Gladstone (tOSU signee, 3rd @ state, 235ish).
Posts: 272
Mar 29, 2010 7:26pm
You are funny Cruiser. I will be there wrestling hopefully, but I'll leave the instruction to the younger, more nimble individuals. I will be teaching a "how to not throw your back out when wrestling over 30" series, as well as a session titled "Stretching...who needs it?"

zambrown's avatar
Posts: 1,093
Mar 29, 2010 11:20pm
I can't wait for those segments, Snuggly. Even us non-wrestlers could benefit from those topics. :)
zambrown's avatar
Posts: 1,093
Mar 30, 2010 11:54pm
By request, attached is the link for registration form for the Westerville Central/Mat Shark Intensive Technique Clinic.

zambrown's avatar
Posts: 1,093
Mar 31, 2010 12:23pm
zambrown's avatar
Posts: 1,093
Apr 7, 2010 1:00am
This event is coming up a week from Saturday. We are getting a very nice response so far. An excellent clinician, college wrestlers as counselors, lunch provided and a great venue - it doesn't get much better!
zambrown's avatar
Posts: 1,093
Apr 13, 2010 9:27am
Hope to see you on Saturday!
zambrown's avatar
Posts: 1,093
Apr 13, 2010 11:45am
cometallstar, sorry to take so long to respond to your question.

I am not sure of Coach Traxler's credentials as a wrestler but I do have first hand experience of him as a coach. From what I understand, he has 11 years of Coaching experience at all levels. The last team he coached had only 1 DQ the year before his arrival and had 43 DQ's, 8 SQ's, 4 placers, and a finalist during his 4 years there. He got away from coaching during season in order to focus on the Mat Shark Wrestling Club that he started 4 years ago. The Mat Shark Wrestling Club provided training to 53 2010 state qualifiers, including 37 placers (6/8th, 2/7th, 4 /6th, 7/5th, 3/4th, 12/3rd, 2 runner-ups, and 1 State Champion!).

My son and I had the pleasure of meeting Coach Traxler at the old Suplex City in Mt. Gilead. As we continued to run into each other at various training/competition sites, I was very impressed with his coaching style, his knowledge of the sport and, equally important for a mom, the way he treated and related to the young men wrestling with the club. When my son had the opportunity to travel to Michigan with Coach Traxler and the Mat Shark team last fall to wrestle at an All Star Dual meet, I was perfectly comfortable to entrust my son to travel out of state without me.

I know on Saturday he is bringing a van load of college wrestlers and coaches with him to help at the Clinic. I also know those young men wouldn't travel 80+ miles one way and spend a full day at a Clinic unless they respected his coaching ability and shared his beliefs. Here are some links of a few successful events that he has run.

Practice last week on GOhiowrestling...
A dual competition last year against a PA All-star team...
Pratice last fall at Heidelberg...
Newspaper article from last summer

I hope this answers your questions, and I hope you and/or your wrestler plan to join us on Saturday.
cruiser_96's avatar
Posts: 7,536
Apr 13, 2010 8:47pm
zambrown's avatar
Posts: 1,093
Apr 18, 2010 12:45am
The Clinic was a great success. Travis brought in some great counselors (Randy Languis and Max Gladstone among them) and put on a great clinic. We had 25+ kids show up and the kids worked hard and appreciated the skills they were learning. Many thanks to Travis the the wrestlers he brought (sorry, this old brain can't remember names right now). They were engaging with the kids and working with all of them. I was impressed with how humble and hard working they were considering the level of success they had accomplished in their own wrestling careers so far! Thanks so much to Travis and the Mat Sharks for a fantastic Clinic.