Dead City Walking: Toledo and Athletics.

The Rest 2 replies 428 views
Posts: 126
Mar 7, 2010 10:57am
Excellent column in the Toledo Blade today (Sunday, March 7) regarding the plight of the Toledo Public Schools and the proposal to end athletics. Dave Hackenburg used this phrase to describe the city if this happens. I know some will disagree, but ending all public school athletics in Toledo might be the worst thing that could happen to any possible chance that the city's dreadful prospective future can be reversed. If the May levy fails will this decision be made? Hard to imagine, but also hard to imagine how this city can rebound.
Swamp Fox
Posts: 2,218
Mar 7, 2010 3:47pm
If this actually happens, I fear for the city of Toledo. Times are hard, jobs are still very scarce. Young people have no work experience and many have lost hope of finding a job. At least a job that would be considered respectable. Kids aren't terribly motivated to go to school and now without athletics as something they can count on for some stability in their lives, I would say the downtown and mall areas would become quite tense. A kid without sports doesn't worry anymore about eligibility for sports. I know there are those that say reading and writing and 'rithmetic was good enough for Grandpa and Grandma and it's good enough for today's kids. Speaking as a 43 year educator who has seen the effects of severe cuts in previous years, I'm here to tell you that sports keep kids in school. Say what you will but I'd rather have kids in school than running loose in the streets and if sports goes, that's exactly what you will have. It will get very ugly. Not just sports but all aspects of the total educational experience. If we are going to bail someone out, how about our kids? It's the future of our nation we are talking about and I don't think I'm exaggerating even a little bit.
Posts: 103
Mar 7, 2010 5:36pm