Louisville 91 Notre Dame 89 2OT

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newarkcatholicfan's avatar
Posts: 3,199
Feb 18, 2010 6:35am
Awesome job by L-Ville.
reclegend22's avatar
Posts: 8,772
Feb 18, 2010 9:55am
At 18-9 and 8-5, Louisville is now back into the Tournament. What once looked to be a forgone conclusion of not happening, the Cardinals' NCAA life now stands as theirs to lose.

It's hard for me to be happy for Rick Pitino nowadays in light of his ridiculous and truly pathetic transgressions at that Louisville diner, but he's a hell of a coach. He took a team that wasn't even on life support any longer -- it was already dead -- went to the chalkboard to rework a new game plan and came out with a whale of a victory at Syracuse and then finished business at home against Notre Dame last night to get back into the Dance.
Posts: 2,569
Feb 18, 2010 10:29am
I don't think an overtime victory at home over a Notre Dame team without Harangody is a big feather in Louisville's cap.The Cardianls are probably a tournament quality team, but this didn't show that quality.

On a side note, when does Notre Dame give up on Mike Brey??
reclegend22's avatar
Posts: 8,772
Feb 18, 2010 10:43am
prescott wrote:I don't think an overtime victory at home over a Notre Dame team without Harangody is a big feather in Louisville's cap.The Cardianls are probably a tournament quality team, but this didn't show that quality.
No, but the Syracuse win in the Carrier Dome was, and this follow-up win, no matter how it was achieved, solidified that Louisville is back in the tournament discussion. A loss yesterday puts that into question. They did what was required.
reclegend22's avatar
Posts: 8,772
Feb 18, 2010 10:45am
I understand why you would bring up Brey (and it isn't because you care), but personally it doesn't matter to me. I hope they do let him go, if only so there is no chance in hell that Duke's athletic director would look in Brey's direction once K leaves. There have been rumors that Brey would be a choice. This should never happen if Duke wants to remain successful post-Krzyzewski.
Posts: 2,569
Feb 18, 2010 10:55am
I understand why you would bring up Brey
Again, everything isn't about duke. Brey has been at Notre Dame for about 10 years. Have they made progress??

And I always understand why you feel it is important to bring up past transgressions for no apparent reason.You are without a doubt one of the most judgmental people I have ever come across. I can't recall ever meeting someone who felt such a need to pontificate.

The Syracuse win put UL in the conversation, the ND win doesn't keep them there.
Posts: 2,849
Feb 18, 2010 11:26am
Every thread Rec posts on turns into a thread about Duke. Priceless.

It is completely logical to bring up Brey's future at ND when talking about Notre Dame, he has been there 10 years, and still hasn't been able to get them "over the hump," despite some very talented teams.

No doubt he is a good coach, but i would be shocked at all if ND decided to try something else in the near future.
Posts: 2,569
Feb 19, 2010 9:27am
reclegend22's avatar
Posts: 8,772
Feb 19, 2010 9:40am
I didn't turn this into a thread on Duke. I've been here long enough to understand ahdonis' platform, and why Brey was brought up. Call it 'pontificating' if you'd like, but I think not. All I need to do is point one toward the Chris Duhon thread fail ahdonis posted a year or two back, the one he practically begged to let fade to the bottom of the old Huddle's pages it was so embarrassingly trite and overly "judgmental" of the object he both loves and hates the most: Duke basketball.

I find it rich that you could call me the most judgmental person you've ever come across when that source is you.
reclegend22's avatar
Posts: 8,772
Feb 19, 2010 9:41am
As for Brey, like I said. I hope he's ousted from South Bend.

I want him nowhere near the Duke, and that would settle that.
reclegend22's avatar
Posts: 8,772
Feb 19, 2010 9:49am
As a small addendum to my above post, I'm obviously wiling to admit that Brey is a logical topic of choice on this thread. However, I think my reservations are understandable considering the history of our resident Duke fan antithesis.

I'll leave it at that and let the Brey discussion continue.
Posts: 2,569
Feb 19, 2010 9:51am
I didn't turn this into a thread on Duke.
As cbus4life pointed out, you sure did.
I find it rich that you could call me the most judgmental person you've ever come across when that source is you.
You can find it any way you want. You have a history.Your most notable asnd consistent target has been Jim Calhoun. I guess the new target is now Rick Pitino.

These guys aren't perfect human beings, but I would suspect that none of us are.

One last thing. My dislike for duke stems from my dislike for many of duke's pompous and arrogant fans. The seed was planted by dukefan and his minions, many of which did not make the switch. Prior to my joining JJHuddle, duke was not on my radar. The more I learned, the more I disliked. But, without their incessant threads, duke has become reasonably irrelevant for me.

You may have noticed that I rarely comment on duke threads. There is a reason for that. I am not as enamored with duke as you think I am.

Your little stab at Pitiono fits the definition.

Main Entry: 2pon·tif·i·cate
Pronunciation: \pän-?ti-f?-?k?t\
Function: intransitive verb
Inflected Form(s): pon·tif·i·cat·ed; pon·tif·i·cat·ing
Etymology: Medieval Latin pontificatus, past participle of pontificare, from Latin pontific-, pontifex
Date: 1818
1 a : to officiate as a pontiff b : to celebrate pontifical mass
2 : to speak or express opinions in a pompous or dogmatic way

— pon·tif·i·ca·tion \(?)pän-?ti-f?-?k?-sh?n\ noun

— pon·tif·i·ca·tor \-?k?-t?r\ noun
reclegend22's avatar
Posts: 8,772
Feb 19, 2010 5:58pm
If you're fine with dismissing Pitino's mistress sex on the floor of a Louisville diner, that's your right.

I was simply stating why I'm not a fan of the man anymore. Integrity is something I happen to value. None of us are perfect, but, despite what you make think, there are people in this world that don't fornicate on restaurants floors, especially in the same city they coach and teach life lessons to young men. People like Tiger Woods are the exception, not the norm.

As for Calhoun, I haven't said anything about him in a long, long time. And when I did, it was in a discussion that was already centered on the integrity of ethical coaching. Believe me, many here share my sentiments on Calhoun.

This discussion is going nowhere, however, so we might as well move on.
Posts: 2,569
Feb 19, 2010 8:12pm
If you're fine with dismissing Pitino's mistress sex on the floor of a Louisville diner, that's your right.
I am not fine with infidelties, but I know I don't everything about Pitino's life. When I do , I might pass judgement, but I doubt it because that is way above my pay grade.
Posts: 5,111
Feb 19, 2010 8:14pm
Yet another mediocre ND basketball season under Brey. I have been critical of Brey for MANY years, back to the Chris Thomas(pig)/ Quinn. His teams have always been poor defensively. He thinks ND is similar to Duke in how he can go about things. He fails to realize, he doesn't have Duke type players.
Brey recently was asked about his job security...he went on to compare himself with the previous ND coach and how far the program has come? Are you kidding me? He has been there what, 8,9 years now and he wants to go back and compare to previous ND coach after being on the job this long? Nice expectations you have there Mike!!
Amazes how ND will settle for this in the sport of basketball. Its really too sad when you look at what they are willing to spend on football.