8th Annual New Year's Brawl 12&Under Tournament 12/28

Wrestling 2 replies 214 views
Posts: 129
Dec 16, 2014 8:12pm
The eighth annual New Year's Brawl wrestling tournament for wrestlers 12 years old and under will be held in the Cardington-Lincoln High School gym on Sunday, December 28. You may download the flyer and registration form from http://www.OhioTournaments.com. I only see two other tournaments listed on our date, in different parts of the state. Based on interest expressed so far, we are expecting an excellent turnout.
Posts: 129
Dec 20, 2014 8:26pm
Getting quite a few inquiries. It's hard to gauge what the turnout will be since we do not have online pre-registration this year, but based on emails and phone calls, it should be well attended.
Posts: 129
Dec 22, 2014 8:34pm
It's probably too late to send pre-registration by "snail mail" and be sure it will get here in time, but you may still contact Coach Hinton (See the flyer on http://www.OhioTournaments.com.) to arrange for a quantity discount for your club. Or, just show up on Sunday, weigh in and wrestle. We'll get you some good matches.