Marysville Title win over Liberty

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Jesse Sepeda
Posts: 27
Feb 8, 2014 8:25am
Congratulations to the Marysville Monarchs capturing the OCC Title over the well coached team of Olentangy Liberty Thursday night.
cruiser_96's avatar
Posts: 7,536
Feb 8, 2014 10:11am
Marysville 36 Olentangy Liberty 29
Match started at 106

106 Meade OL MDec Welch MV 13-3
113 Lee MV Fall Z. Furnas 1:10
120 J. Furnas OL MDec Sharp MV 16-5
126 Volpe OL Dec Messer MV 8-7
132 Penzone OL Fall Spaulding MV 1:54
138 Grenier OL fall Pittroff MV 1:17
145 Sparks MV MDec Snyder OL 13-2
152 Rahmani MV FFT
160 Sepeda MV Dec Thrasher OL 4-2 OT***
170 Rioch MV Dec Clark OL 9-6
182 Satterfield Dec Arcaro OL 4-1
195 Hale OL fall O’Neill MV 4:23
220 Pfarr MV fft
285 Walker MV fall Crooks OL :43

Great night for wrestling, huge crowd and came down to the last match.

OCC Champs!!!

***team point deducted for excessive team celebration
112in84's avatar
Posts: 565
Feb 8, 2014 11:31am
Anyone have the final standings for this OCC div ?
cruiser_96's avatar
Posts: 7,536
Feb 8, 2014 12:53pm
D. Hayes
Pickerington Central
Westerville North

those are the champs of each.
Tony Mead
Posts: 323
Feb 8, 2014 8:02pm
I would say Thomas Worthington or Davidson 3rd and 4th, Coffman in that mix. I know Coffman lost to Upper Arlington.

Central Crossing ???

Coffman and Thomas Worthington ???

Not sure here but it seems like Central beat everyone else? I could be wrong, how did Davidson vs central go?
112in84's avatar
Posts: 565
Feb 8, 2014 8:08pm
That's one tough occ division when it comes to wrestling....very deep
Posts: 159
Feb 8, 2014 9:37pm
cruiser_96;1577901 wrote:D. Hayes
Westerville North

those are the champs of each.
i believe Pickerington Central won the OCC Ohio division ahead of Lancaster.
Jesse Sepeda
Posts: 27
Feb 8, 2014 10:28pm
Ya team point taken away. Marysville 152 won his match in over time, jumping up and down with his arms in the air. And they call excessive celebration. But yet Liberty 120 shows his guns after a early 2nd period win. And thats ok. My guess was that Marysville had Novice and Middle school parents their and the didnt not let off the ref. I guess thats what happen when bad calls are mad. Pretty exciding dual match. Again hats off to Liberty .
Posts: 802
Feb 8, 2014 11:04pm
Just curious, does OL have a 152 & a 220 lb'er? 152 has me confused...(Jesse says M won in overtime & cruiser has a FFT for the match). Either way, looks like it was a great dual and congrats to Marysville for their OCC title!
Posts: 1,951
Feb 9, 2014 11:11am
hang_loose;1578037 wrote:Just curious, does OL have a 152 & a 220 lb'er? 152 has me confused...(Jesse says M won in overtime & cruiser has a FFT for the match). Either way, looks like it was a great dual and congrats to Marysville for their OCC title!
152 bumped for MV is what he is talking about.
Tony Mead
Posts: 323
Feb 9, 2014 11:58am
Jesse Sepeda;1578030 wrote:Ya team point taken away. Marysville 152 won his match in over time, jumping up and down with his arms in the air. And they call excessive celebration. But yet Liberty 120 shows his guns after a early 2nd period win. And thats ok. My guess was that Marysville had Novice and Middle school parents their and the didnt not let off the ref. I guess thats what happen when bad calls are mad. Pretty exciding dual match. Again hats off to Liberty .
I think the Marysville coaches had the ref a little fired up already at this point, I wouldnt know cause i was not face to face with the ref and coaches but just by body languages looked to me like the ref kinda warned them the two arguments before the point was hit. IMO the celebration was not that excessive, a big match/ big dual atmosphere with a win in overtime, pretty exciting! Glad it didnt matter either way and Marysville won on the mats! Nice job Marysville and see you all at sectionals! Should be another great day of wrestling!

Hang, Liberty 152 is Nick Thrasher. For 220 Not sure if we will have a body there at sectionals or not. Runner ups for having 2-3 forfeits a dual, not bad boys! Great wrasslin!
Jesse Sepeda
Posts: 27
Feb 9, 2014 12:34pm
Ya it was 160 lb match. Both 152 lbs bumped up to 160.
Posts: 25
Feb 9, 2014 12:54pm
Jesse Sepeda;1577851 wrote:Congratulations to the Marysville Monarchs capturing the OCC Title over the well coached team of Olentangy Liberty Thursday night.
Yes Liberty is welled coach, and Marysville a few years ago had a Outstanding Youth coach,short good-looking guy.i think his boy was named Alex? is he still coaching the youth program?
Posts: 75
Feb 9, 2014 4:43pm
Jesse Sepeda;1578030 wrote:Ya team point taken away. Marysville 152 won his match in over time, jumping up and down with his arms in the air. And they call excessive celebration. But yet Liberty 120 shows his guns after a early 2nd period win. And thats ok. My guess was that Marysville had Novice and Middle school parents their and the didnt not let off the ref. I guess thats what happen when bad calls are mad. Pretty exciding dual match. Again hats off to Liberty .
Liberty's 120 did NOT "show his guns" after an early 2nd period win. That match went the distance, and there was no celebrating his lackluster performance, and he's a humble kid. You must be thinking of another match, but I don't know which one ... Liberty's wins at 106, 120, 126 all went the distance.

Regardless, I disagree with the excessive celebration call. Not excessive IMO.