Last tournament before season starts....Smittys Fawl Brawl November 24th

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Tommie Goff
Posts: 27
Oct 16, 2013 10:04pm
[url]*FAWL[/url] BRAWL 2013*
No USA wrestling card needed for this year's Fawl Brawl*
Dates:*Nov. 24th, 2013*
Place: Steubenville High School- 420 N. 4th Street, Steubenville, OH 43952
Weigh-Ins: Sunday November 24th: (Div. I-III) 7-8:30 and (Div. IV-VI) 10-11:30 AM*Wrestling Begins: 9:30 AM for Divisions I-III. 12:30 PM for Divisions IV-VI.
Rules: Modified high school rules. Push out rule will be in effect for Div IV-VI! Double elimination tournament. Matches will be three (3) one (1) minute periods for Div. I to Div. III and two (2) two (2) minute periods for Div. IV- VI.*
* * 1st- 4th*Medals **
AGES/ WEIGHTS: (Age as of day of tournament-proof of age must be provided if requested)*
Div. I (5-8)
Div. II (9-10)
Div. III (11-12)
Div. IV (13-14)
Div. V (15-18)Last weekend before official start date for Highschool Wrestling
Div. VI (19 and Over)
Weights to Be Determined Day of Tournament for all division.

LIMIT: We reserve the right to move them up to the next higher weight class or combine weight classes. EXCEPTION: No wrestler will be moved to the heavy-weight (HVY) class without parental or coach's permission.
A wrestler may enter more than one weight class.

Entry fee:*$20 Mail In Registration*(Mail In registration must be received by Wednesday, Nov. 20th) Mail entries to: Mike Blackburn, Make Checks or Money orders payable to Steubenville Big Red Wrestling 420 N. 4th Street, Steubenville, OH 43952*


ADMISSIONS:*$5 Adults/ $2 students*
FOOD: Excellent hot and cold food and beverages. For more information, contact Mike Blackburn at 740 632 8953

*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*Detach and return with payment*REGISTRATION FORM- PLEASE PRINT AND RETURN WITH PAYMENT*
Name___________________________Age_______Division_ ________ActualWeight____________ DOB______________Address__________________________ ________Phone#_________________ City______________________State_________ Zip___________ School _______________________ Email ___________________________ * RELEASE, WAIVER, AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK: In consideration of the undersigned wrestler's entry in this event, we the undersigned on behalf of ourselves and our heirs, executors, administrators, and all others, do herby assume all the risks and hazards of participation in the event and do hereby waive, release and discharge, Smitty's Floors, Steubenville High School, *Steubenville *City School District, all of their directors, OAC, officers, agents, and employees, and all tournament sponsors, officials, volunteers, and participants from any and all claims for injuries, damages or loses directly or indirectly related to participating in this event. *We realize we are assuming all risks and that we are releasing those parties herein identified in advanced of any occurrence from all claims including those arising from negligence and/or omission. If the undersigned wrestler ever attempts to disaffirm this release, the undersigned parent/guardian hereby agrees to defend and completely indemnify those hereby released as a result of any such effort or resultant judgment, claim, loss or suit.*Wrestler's Signature__________________________Parent's Signature______________________________________