2013 Ohio All-Star Wrestling Team - 4 Spots Open

Wrestling 1 replies 197 views
Posts: 87
Oct 30, 2012 10:34am
October 29, 2013

Dear Parents & Coaches,

Fourteen wrestlers were recently named to the 2013 Ohio All-Star Wrestling Team and are currently in the process of being notified. However, we still have four spots available that we are looking to fill.

Wrestlers interested need to currently be in the 6th-9th grade and have a B-/C+ average. Taking into account that the wrestlers will grow some, we are looking for wrestlers currently around the following weights:

1. 75 pounds (will be around 80 in the summer)
2. 80 pounds (will be around 85 in the summer)
3. 115-120 pounds (8th or 9th grader)...(will be around 122-135 in the summer)
wildcard wrestler: anywhere from 65-135 pounds

If interested, please e-mail me at [email protected] and I can forward you an application. We hope to fill these spots in time for the first team meeting, on November 11.

Bart Freidenberg
Posts: 87
Oct 31, 2012 11:12am
Two of the four spots have tentatively been filled (just have to check out references and make sure there aren't any behavior issues with the applicants):

1. 75 pounds (will be around 80 in the summer)
2. 80 pounds (will be around 85 in the summer)-FILLED
3. 115-120 pounds (8th or 9th grader)...(will be around 122-135 in the summer)-FILLED
4. wildcard wrestler: anywhere from 65-135 pounds