A General Warning Regarding Trolling/Attacking Posts

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ts1227's avatar
Posts: 12,319
Feb 21, 2012 10:05pm
This forum has pretty much become unreadable since you all just choose to attack one another instead of have discussion. Considering it's the OFFSEASON, this is sad. Obviously there is going to, and there should be some banter and disagreements between rivals, but you all either take it too seriously or have an amazingly easy defense mechanism to trigger.

From this point forward, you can expect a more aggressive enforcement of the existing rules. Here's what is expected to keep discussions on here tolerable:

We expect you will post on the threads of other teams beside yours, as we are mostly all fans of college football in general. HOWEVER, if you are going over simply to cause trouble or make a post that is obviously meant to push the buttons of another fanbase, the post will be immediately removed, you will be thread banned, and you will receive an infraction. It's simple... if you don't have anything nice to say, just retreat back to your teams' thread and don't say it at all. If someone attacks you, don't retalliate by going over to attack them back on their teams' thread. Just report the post and we'll handle it.

On that note, for the more sensitive posters, the mere presence of a fan of another team on your thread is NOT trolling. There is an obvious difference between general posting, lighthearted rivalry jabs, and then the crap you all pull on OSU/ND threads.

If you continue to cause problems, the infractions will result in bans, and if it would keep going, the bans will just get longer and longer.

This is not meant to single out ANY fanbase. All are guilty of it, and all will be dealt with accordingly.

Your Mods