Academia accountability apply to politicians

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Belly35's avatar
Posts: 9,716
Nov 10, 2011 7:20am
Academia accountability apply to politicians

The list is long and the careers of some of the most honored NCAA Coaches are blemished. Coaches are held accountable for the action of players and adult coaching staff with the end result of being fired. University President and Athletic Director also take to the chopping block for acts beyond their control. This is the course of action via the ruling committees of Academia and NCAA judgment mentality. Guilty via association. …

Is this right, is this the conventional methodology now, I don’t have this answer.

If guilty via association in the norm then America needs to that a long hard look at our present Political picture .. If present candidates are to be scrutinized then lets also justify scrutinize our present leadership more…. Is that not the Academia way?

If so where is this type of accountability methodology in politics, why hasn’t this academia judgmental system of political leadership responsibly applied to our politicians?