Harvest Prep sports banned

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Posts: 164
May 17, 2011 7:21am
According to TV reports and Columbus Dispatch, Harvest Prep is vacating several seasons and banned from future tournys.
Posts: 7,117
May 17, 2011 9:15am
Might happen, but the Dogpatch has corrected itself, saying that these are only recommendations, and not the final penalties.
Posts: 164
May 17, 2011 2:42pm
These are the strongest words "rogue" that I've ever seen used by OHSAA to describe a school athletic program. Denying OHSAA three times to look at their "scholarship" fund is the death blow. It's all over.
Posts: 188
May 18, 2011 3:59pm
haha yea I got a kick out of the choice of the word "rogue" myself
Posts: 490
May 27, 2011 12:02pm
When I first heard that the OHSAA was considering a "death penalty" type of approach to HP, I couldn't believe it because I'd never heard of that before at the HS level. After reading the allegations of recruiting, payments, changing grades, and the attitude of ignoring OHSAA rules, I now understand. This has to be the scandal of scandals. Looks like HP will have to pay about $32,500 in fines and attorney fees, cancel their athletic programs for 2 years, and then re-apply. Wow. While these aren't the final penalties, they will be unless HP is very persuasive in their response.

If Rev Rod is a prophet, how come he didn't see this coming? I am a fat guy who is usually hungry, and I wouldn't follow Rod to a free buffet.

Did you all notice Commissioner Ross speaking to the state champs and runner ups this year? He kept saying that being champs or runners up is something that "no one can ever take away from you." Would he have said that to HP if they had beaten the Hiland boys? What about the Africentric boys who had their state championship vacated? Why would Dr. Ross repeatedly say something that is, obviously, not absolutely true?
j_crazy's avatar
Posts: 8,372
May 27, 2011 2:27pm
Not the kids' fault that the adults can't be trusted. The kids were still the best that year. Just shouldn't have been playing.
sexysallyhoffer15's avatar
Posts: 1
Jun 20, 2011 6:22am
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