Somebody call the whambulance (part 2)

Thread Bomber's Basement 40 replies 408 views
like_that's avatar
Posts: 26,625
Dec 19, 2010 8:15pm
Biggest cry baby award easily goes to Rock (surprise, surprise).
Non;605743 wrote:
they started to come on in the Baltimore game but as I've said, the Baltimore tackles were allowed to false start several times which helped stop the edge rush
Non;605857 wrote:I saw them move early a bunch of times. I'm not sure why they were allowed to do that because I haven't noticed it in other games. Oher has even had problems with it. I saw an article a few days ago about how he's had a lot of penalties this year. My point right now is only that I think the Steelers two edge rushers have been playing great the past two games and causing problems but it wasn't as easy to see in that game because of that little extra advantage Baltimore was getting.

I think that might be the pivotal factor in this game today. If the Jets tackles do a good job against Harrison and Woodley, and contain them, I think the Jets will win. But if those two are able to get to Sanchez and force turnovers, particularly a forced fumble or two that sets up the Steelers in good field position, then I think the Steelers win.
rock_knutne;605887 wrote:Did you even watch the game? They were moving early on just about every play!
Non;605908 wrote:There is a conspiracy but that's not part of it. That was just poor officiating, not watching the line of scrimmage close enough.

The bigger issue is that the NFL has ordered the officials that the late hits and helmet hit guidelines don't count against Roethlisberger. Teams are allowed to hit him any way and there's no penalty.
Automatik;605919 wrote:Its safe to say you didn't even watch. Do I think its a conspiracy? No, just BS officiating. It was quite obvious if you would have just watched the fucking game.
Non;606035 wrote:Ben has gotten hit late about 10 times in the past three weeks and not one penalty.

If another QB took a couple of those same shots they'd be out for the season.

Obviously there is no link to it because the NFL will deny it but it's clear they're allowing it to be open season on him.
Non;606432 wrote:wow

Jets get the first one

shut up Simms, that was a mugging
Tiger2003;606454 wrote:Wow....another no call...its going to be one of those days.
Non;606464 wrote:he was climbing all over his back

I hate when the announcers try to stick up for the officials too much and then say that obvious penalties are good no calls

that's what happened there with Simms
Tiger2003;606477 wrote:I really don't get why refs pick up flags? They have already picked up 2 flags...why throw it?
LJ;606484 wrote:That holding was a MUGGING
Tiger2003;606485 wrote:Hey a holding call......hmmm
killer_ewok;606486 wrote:Sweet. They didn't pick it up this time.
Non;606487 wrote:that replay was clear as day

the defender was on the receivers back before the ball got there

Simms either didn't see the replay or is making stuff up
LJ;606494 wrote:I thnk a ref has a flag falling out of their pocket
Tiger2003;606495 wrote:That is 3 FUCKING FLAGS they have picked up....quit fucking throwing them.
killer_ewok;606497 wrote:What's the record for number of flags picked up in a game?
holdingout;606500 wrote:Steelers are gonna get hosed this whole game. Damn the refs and the NFL.
Non;606506 wrote:they have the last four games but won all four

at some point they won't be able to overcome the officiating if they keep getting the shaft
holdingout;606592 wrote:Non...see how calls even out during a game?
Non;606600 wrote:that's not true all the time

they haven't been even the past four Steelers games but the Steelers still won those games
Tiger2003;606652 wrote:Why is holding only 5 yards on the defense but 10 on the offense.
Tiger2003;606659 wrote:Cromartie could have been called for holding right there as well.
Tiger2003;606673 wrote:The Steelers have 0 penalties called against them so far. That will be made up for in the 2nd half.
Tiger2003;606781 wrote:HOW THE FUCK IS THIS A FLAG????????
killer_ewok;606784 wrote:Oh my God. Whatever.
rock_knutne;606787 wrote:That's fucking bullshit......helmet to helmet my ass! Fuck Goodell!
Non;606797 wrote:that was helmet to shoulder

not even close to as bad as the hit on Miller

how come when that was close they didn't have to call it?
Tiger2003;606799 wrote:Wow what a fucking call.
rock_knutne;606815 wrote:Good call by the Jets on that 4th and one. BTW, anyone else annoyed by the now over 40 minute BJ being administered by Nance and Simms to the Jets?
Tiger2003;606830 wrote:Told you the Steelers would get killed with penalties in the 2nd half.
Non;606834 wrote:if we're following the calls even out theory, the Steelers are due for a free first down
rock_knutne;606966 wrote:How in the hell was that not interference on Revis? He pushed Sanders, it was blatant and Simms says it was perfect coverage, GTFO!
Non;606967 wrote:no but his hands were in the back

I don't think they should call it with the game on the line but I also wouldn't say it was perfect like Simms did

Simms just overlooked the two hands in the back
Non;606981 wrote:helmet hit
Tiger2003;606980 wrote:Wow Holding just saved a TD
Non;606983 wrote:that was a helmet hit on that tackle

they missed two in a row

just because the Jets lost two in a row they're giving them a bunch here
rock_knutne;606984 wrote:Fuch these officials!
Non;606988 wrote:Jets will hold the receivers

and get away with it

for the 50th time today
Tiger2003;606996 wrote:Game Changer the Jets hold on Sanders what would have been the game winner....oh out and the Steelers are still the #2 Seed.
Non;606997 wrote:no question about it

because they lost two in a row they got some extra help

but oh well, Steelers didn't lose any ground with this one
Hb31187;606999 wrote:Ill get my popcorn ready for the reasons the Jets won. Dont disappoint me steelers fans
rock_knutne;607000 wrote:What a fucking JOKE the officiating was in this game. I don't care what anyone says, the league has it out for Pittsburgh, the officials blew several very clear penalties.
Non;607001 wrote:nope refs gave the Jets free holding at the end

THE4RINGZ;607003 wrote:UN fucking believable. Absolutely zero pi calls on that last drive.
The_Crosby_Show;607005 wrote:Well, the Refs won it for the Jets right there.
Non;607010 wrote:those are borderline plays I guess but when it's borderline when the Steelers hit somebody they get called for a 15-yard penalty every time
THE4RINGZ;607012 wrote:The hit Clark got called for was more of a game changer. Again this bullshit with te helmet to helmet calls will collapse the NFL. Simply because of the inconsistencies with the calls. Case in point, the hit on Heath Miller. No on field call.
Tiger2003;607018 wrote:Your right it doesn't happen to your team. Its doesn't happen to any other team in the NFL. A no call on the last hold in the endzone that prevented Sanders from scoring the game winning touchdown. It just gets old every week that the Steelers are flagged for everything but nobody else it. Heath Miller gets destroyed no flag....Ben gets his nose broke no flag....But Braylon Edwards is jumping in the air for the ball and the Steelers defender his hit in the chest = 15 yards...
justincredible;607019 wrote:Perhaps the Steelers should have done more to take the officials out of the equation?
Non;607020 wrote:that was a helmet hit I believe on the last reception by the Steelers

it was just in that last second scramble situation so the refs missed it

ball would've been at the 5
Tiger2003;607023 wrote:LMFAO....they did they executed on the game winning drive and the Jets defender held Sanders which prevented him from getting to the ball........I mean seriously are you a fucking idiot I am just asking? They executed through the game...numerous times the Jets were not called for defense PI when it was very blatant.
Non;607025 wrote:no because if they had done more they just would've called it back to keep it close

they let the Jets have one because they lost two in a row, pretty easy to see

cheap game
like_that's avatar
Posts: 26,625
Dec 19, 2010 8:16pm
Non;607030 wrote:Revis two hands in the back

borderline? yes but Clark's hit was borderline and it was called

Lowery clearly holding with the ball in the air, that's a pass interference and the ball would've been inside the 10 with more than 30 seconds left
rock_knutne;607032 wrote:Sanders was CLEARLY held and there were several other no calls like Revis pushing Sanders before the ball got there that Phil "I love blowing any team or coach who plays against Pittsburgh" Simms said was perfect coverage. It's late in the year and every week since Harrison laid out two Clowns players the calss get more and more ridiculous aginst Pittsburgh.......what are you suppose to believe?
GoPens;607034 wrote:I've seen better refereeing by parents at a 6 year old flag football game. This is getting fucking ridiculous.
Non;607036 wrote:you saw the replays

nice gift officiating for the Jets
I Wear Pants;607042 wrote:Now, it isn't a conspiracy, but there was a missed pass interference penalty on the Jets towards the end there.
Automatik;607050 wrote:I'm not blaming the L on officiating, but it was bullshit. I'm sure ever fan or hater alike can agree with that.
THE4RINGZ;607054 wrote:I don't buy into the Steelers conspiracy theory. I do believe the mid-season rules changes do hurt physical teams like the Steelers

Overall in the NFL officiating has been absolutely a train wreck this season.
Non;607066 wrote:I never believed in the conspiracy stuff before but I think there has been a clear trend of poor officiating against the Steelers. They get called for every borderline hit on the helmet and never get one called when their receivers get hit. Ben has had about 20 late hits and not one penalty. And then at the end of this game clear holding downfield with the game on the line. That has to be a penalty I don't care what team you root for.
rock_knutne;607075 wrote:I wouldn't say they lost it for them but they kept them from having an opportunity to win. It's gotten blatantly bad and as I said before, if this would happen to the other fanbases on here they'd be in an uproar and it would be OK in their eyes.
queencitybuckeye;607077 wrote:I know it's hard, but try to use some logic. Why would the NFL conspire against one of the most popular teams in the league? Please make sense.
rock_knutne;607078 wrote:That's because it HAS been happening every single game.
The_Crosby_Show;607081 wrote:I don't believe in it either but, the refs and the league have been a bit harsh on the Steelers this year.
Non;607082 wrote:It doesn't make sense why but the officiating has been so poor that it's become an issue. Usually I would agree with everyone who says it evens out and all that stuff but it's been terrible for about a five-game stretch.
Non;607088 wrote:in this game I think the refs wanted the Jets to win because they had lost a couple so they let them get away with stuff at the end

if the Steelers needed to win more it may have been the other way

I think that happens sometimes
rock_knutne;607091 wrote:That's exactly why, because they are the most popular team in the league and it's been very easy to make an example out of them.

Again, I don't give a shit what you or any one else thinks but it's happened every week since Harrison's hits against Cleveland, at some point thinking it's a coincidence gets thrown out the window.
rock_knutne;607108 wrote:Are you fucking blind? I see you post on the Steelers threads quite often during the games, if you think that there hasn't been any missed calls or wrong calls go against Pittsburgh in just about every single game since the Harrison/Cleveland incident then you're a hater or, like I said, blind.
Non;607119 wrote:were you referring to me?

if so, what you said was inaccurate

bottom line is the Jets got help at the end of the game by not having the holding called near the end zone, that was a major no call

also there might have been a helmet hit on the last Steelers reception which would've moved the ball about five yards closer

Steelers are still 10-4 and they're fortunate the officiating hasn't cost them more this season
rock_knutne;607135 wrote:No, your blind because you have been watching these games (from what I see on here) and fail to recognize the rate of consitency of which these bad calls have been happening. Like I said before, standard protocol on here.
Non;607137 wrote:that holding at the end has to be called

plain and simple

it can't be missed when a receiver is going for a potential GW touchdown

you can be looking at a lot of places on the field but you have to have clear eyes on that coverage/receiver to see the holding
LJ;607140 wrote:QCB has broken no rules.

This thread is making me ashamed to be a Steelers fan. Absolutely pitiful
Non;607157 wrote:People take the high road a lot of times because they don't want to be "guy complaining about the calls." I understand that. It's a better world when things all even out and you can just shake hands and say good game.

But sometimes you have to balance that with what your eyes actually see.

It's total bs if you're a Steelers fan and you don't think the Jets got some help at the end. The Revis play was borderline but still hands in the back. Would that be called if it was the Steelers? Well they had a borderline helmet hit and it got called and helped the Jets score a TD. The holding on Lowery that wasn't called may have been a touchdown and game winner.

The officiating impacts the game as much as a lot of things. Offense, defense, special teams, weather conditions, etc.

The officiating was as much a reason why the Steelers lost this game as anything.
LJ's avatar
Posts: 16,351
Dec 19, 2010 8:19pm
I like how you quote me on a holding that was called (#68 for the Jets tackled Keisal, Sanchez was chewing him out over it) and where I mentioned that the flag was literally falling out of the ref's pocket. They had multiple picked up flags because of it.
Ironman92's avatar
Posts: 49,363
Dec 19, 2010 8:19pm

6X SB Champs
Ironman92's avatar
Posts: 49,363
Dec 19, 2010 8:20pm
I'm very proud that my Sunday NFL excitement isn't a team losing.
Non's avatar
Posts: 9,517
Dec 19, 2010 8:24pm
great stuff actually

very precise account of today's screw job
Non's avatar
Posts: 9,517
Dec 19, 2010 8:25pm
bigmouth Ryan and the darling New York team can't lose three in a row so they can hold receivers all day

what a joke
Iliketurtles's avatar
Posts: 8,191
Dec 19, 2010 8:26pm
Ironman92;607206 wrote:I'm very proud that my Sunday NFL excitement isn't a team losing.

Welll it has to be their excitement Ironman when their teams gets dominated by a team that came into the game today 2-11 and had lost 10 straight. When you team is also a loser the only thing they can take pride in is another team losing.
like_that's avatar
Posts: 26,625
Dec 19, 2010 8:26pm
Non;607230 wrote:bigmouth Ryan and the darling New York team can't lose three in a row so they can hold receivers all day

what a joke
jordo212000's avatar
Posts: 10,664
Dec 19, 2010 8:29pm
wow @ like_that. Somebody has a little too much spare time on their hands.
Mulva's avatar
Posts: 13,650
Dec 19, 2010 8:42pm
jordo212000;607244 wrote:wow @ like_that. Somebody has a little too much spare time on their hands.

That's sort of what I was thinking.
justincredible's avatar
Posts: 32,056
Dec 19, 2010 8:44pm
This is clearly a basement thread.
GoChiefs's avatar
Posts: 16,754
Dec 19, 2010 8:45pm
Iliketurtles;607235 wrote:Welll it has to be their excitement Ironman when their teams gets dominated by a team that came into the game today 2-11 and had lost 10 straight. When you team is also a loser the only thing they can take pride in is another team losing.

In the same breath...we can talk about how the Steelers were dominated by a couple teams that our sorry ass Browns beat pretty easily, and we at least lost to the Jets at the end of overtime.
wes_mantooth's avatar
Posts: 17,977
Dec 19, 2010 8:49pm
lol...this is insane...good thread.
jordo212000's avatar
Posts: 10,664
Dec 19, 2010 8:54pm
I guess this is the natural thing to do when your favorite team gags away a win against one of the worst teams in the league
like_that's avatar
Posts: 26,625
Dec 19, 2010 8:57pm
jordo212000;607345 wrote:I guess this is the natural thing to do when your favorite team gags away a win against one of the worst teams in the league
jordo212000's avatar
Posts: 10,664
Dec 19, 2010 10:08pm
Glad to see that this thread got moved to the basement. Clearly just an attempt to cause trouble.
like_that's avatar
Posts: 26,625
Dec 19, 2010 10:22pm
jordo212000;607535 wrote:Glad to see that this thread got moved to the basement. Clearly just an attempt to cause trouble.

lol, i find it hilarious how concerned you are. 3 posts on this thread that has nothing to do with you. Keep checking in though!!!!!!!!!!
End of Line's avatar
End of Line
Posts: 6,867
Dec 20, 2010 1:56am
Commander of Awesome's avatar
Commander of Awesome
Posts: 23,151
Dec 20, 2010 9:19am
rock_knutne;607790 wrote:You're candy ass wouldn't last one day in Pittsburgh, they would kick your sorry ass up and down the streets! BTW genius, the Rooneys, Art II and Dan have openly come out and demanded explainations from the league, Tomlin has come out and openly criticized the officiating. Now go lay down everything you own, try being informed before making a random statement because you couldn't be more wrong!
Automatik's avatar
Posts: 14,632
Dec 20, 2010 10:50am
Uh oh look at the OP in the basement again!

The real "lol" is taking the time to quote everyone for such a lame thread to get banished to this forum. Hell my quotes weren'e even excuses/complaints. So sooo fucking sad lol
Commander of Awesome's avatar
Commander of Awesome
Posts: 23,151
Dec 20, 2010 10:53am
Automatik;608036 wrote:Uh oh look at the OP in the basement again!

The real "lol" is taking the time to quote everyone for such a lame thread to get banished to this forum. Hell my quotes weren'e even excuses/complaints. So sooo fucking sad lol

Almost as sad as your bitching, moaning and complaining about the Refs in the last 2 steelers game. lolfail.
Automatik's avatar
Posts: 14,632
Dec 20, 2010 10:58am
Commander of Awesome;608040 wrote:Almost as sad as your bitching, moaning and complaining about the Refs in the last 2 steelers game. lolfail.

I just call it like I see it. The officiating was sub par. Did it lose them the game? Hell no. I'm over it.
Commander of Awesome's avatar
Commander of Awesome
Posts: 23,151
Dec 20, 2010 11:04am
Automatik;608048 wrote:I just call it like I see it. The officiating was sub par. Did it lose them the game? Hell no. I'm over it.

BooHoo! Where was your complaining when the Refs won you a game against the 'phins?
Automatik's avatar
Posts: 14,632
Dec 20, 2010 11:05am
Commander of Awesome;608052 wrote:BooHoo! Where was your complaining when the Refs won you a game against the 'phins?

Um I admitted that was a missed call also. Your point?