Heading to Singapore a week from next Tuesday.

Serious Business Backup 3 replies 223 views
Manhattan Buckeye
Posts: 7,566
Oct 8, 2010 6:14pm
I need to get an Ohio Chatter t-shirt to wear in front of the merlion.

CenterBHSFan's avatar
Posts: 6,115
Oct 8, 2010 6:28pm
Have a good time! Lots of OC'ers traveling this month.
Darkon's avatar
Posts: 3,476
Oct 9, 2010 5:40am
I'm scheduled to head that way next spring for work. I hear it's exspensive.
Let me know what you think.
#1DBag's avatar
Posts: 786
Oct 9, 2010 1:59pm
Chew some gum and spray paint a few cars.