Was it a mistake....

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mucalum49's avatar
Posts: 1,639
Oct 2, 2010 1:09pm
to join Planet Fitness? Its the closest gym to my apartment and it was offering their top membership for only $20 a month while the local Y and other gyms were upwards of $40 a month.

I just got home and looked it up and saw they kick people out for dropping weights or grunting during their workouts?!? I don't go around doing this much and I know the guy said it is meant to be a place for a "casual" lifter and not the powerlifting type but WTF?!? I didn't notice it but they have a "Lunk Alarm" that goes off if someone drops weights or grunts.

Anyone else a member of Planet Fitness? I doubt I will have much of an issue but I just find these rules to be incredibly stupid.
ClayAikenation's avatar
Posts: 89
Oct 2, 2010 2:11pm
I used to work out there before LA Fitness moved in. Its alright. Its so cheap because it tends to be dirty (watch out for ringworm), and, at least that location, was very very crowded. As for the rules, I have never seen the alarm go off. But basically if your intimidating women, then they might sound the alarm.
sherm03's avatar
Posts: 7,349
Oct 2, 2010 2:58pm
There are a ton of gyms that have gone to this policy lately. It's all a way to get more members. Too many people hate going to the gym because of the douchebags that scream like idiots when they are lifting. By banning it, it makes more people comfortable to go to the gym and exercise instead of feeling awkward and out of place when some dude goes through roid rage and starts yelling and grunting.

So rather than having a small clientele of meatheads grunting and yelling as they throw around dumbbells...the gym wants a bigger customer base of normal people who just want to exercise to stay healthy.
mucalum49's avatar
Posts: 1,639
Oct 2, 2010 3:26pm
sherm03;504803 wrote:There are a ton of gyms that have gone to this policy lately. It's all a way to get more members. Too many people hate going to the gym because of the douchebags that scream like idiots when they are lifting. By banning it, it makes more people comfortable to go to the gym and exercise instead of feeling awkward and out of place when some dude goes through roid rage and starts yelling and grunting.

So rather than having a small clientele of meatheads grunting and yelling as they throw around dumbbells...the gym wants a bigger customer base of normal people who just want to exercise to stay healthy.

Ah gotcha... My previous one never had this policy so I didn't know it was something that was happening all over. It doesn't seem bad outside of that and to deter powerlifters they only have dumbbells up to 75lbs. For the price I can get creative with some lifts.
Posts: 615
Oct 3, 2010 1:19am
I don't care who you are, if you're lifting, sooner or later you're gonna grunt, or moan, or whatever. Now, dropping weights is inexcusable, entirely. I freaking hate people that drop weights. They make a loud crash that interrupt those around them, and not only that, they can bounce and strike a nearby person. Hell, when I hear someone grunting, it pumps me to work harder, but I just can't get over weight dropping.