Helping a friend with a diabetic daughter

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Posts: 14,779
Oct 1, 2010 9:24am
Good morning fellow Chatters.

I'd like to set aside our differences of opinions on topics and football teams, and ask for your help.

Some dear friends of ours have a daughter that was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes at the age of 12 months. We watched our friends go through the horrendous experience of nearly losing their little girl, as she had not been diagnosed until the night she nearly left us. Since then, I am always amazed on how much this has changed their life and their everyday tasks. She now wears an insulin pump 24/7, but must be monitored heavily, including blood checks and weighing the limited food she can eat.

Our friends have created a JDRF team called Addie's Army, and the last 2 years they have raised over $10,000 total to help find a cure for juvenile diabetes. They once again have a goal of $5,000 this year. My family and I have joined their team, and will be walking with them this Sunday in Columbus in the annual JDRF walk.

I don't expect much, but if any of you would be willing to make a small donation, it would mean so much. I have included a link below to my son's JDRF walk page, where you can make an online donation to Addie's Army. I am using his link because if he raises $100, he gets a free t-shirt. He would be thrilled to get the t-shirt and help his little friend.

I appreciate you reading this and for considering.

Bigred1995's avatar
Posts: 1,042
Oct 1, 2010 9:59am
Done & Good luck!
Posts: 14,779
Oct 1, 2010 10:05am
Thanks! Very kind.
redfalcon's avatar
Posts: 1,088
Oct 1, 2010 1:53pm
Done. This is a great case to give to, especially when it happens so young.
killdeer's avatar
Posts: 1,538
Oct 1, 2010 3:27pm
bump this thread,
from Falcon country.
Posts: 14,779
Oct 1, 2010 4:19pm
Thanks guys.