Conceal Weapon (for / against)

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Belly35's avatar
Posts: 9,716
Sep 30, 2010 11:50am
Conceal Weapon (for / against)

As a card holder and a gun carrier I’m all for the right to carry a weapon… Sig P220 .45

What is the Chatter opinion?

Should business, restaurants and retail operation permit Registered CCW individual to carry their weapons into their operations?

(I do however think that area that serve alcohol weapons should remain outside locked in the truck)
FatHobbit's avatar
Posts: 8,651
Sep 30, 2010 1:12pm
Belly35;502292 wrote:Should business, restaurants and retail operation permit Registered CCW individual to carry their weapons into their operations?
I am all for the right to bear arms and I support the concept of concealed carry. But I know quite a few people that have CCW's that I'm not comfortable with. I liked it better when it was more difficult to get a license.
Belly35;502292 wrote:(I do however think that area that serve alcohol weapons should remain outside locked in the truck)

I'm not any more comfortable with a weapon locked out in a truck. Someone could break into the truck and steal it, or someone could get drunk or angry and go out to the car to get their weapon. It's not that much different to me than carrying it into the establishment.
CenterBHSFan's avatar
Posts: 6,115
Sep 30, 2010 1:15pm
I'm for it.
I think the individual business should determine if they allow it into their establishment.
gerb131's avatar
Posts: 9,932
Sep 30, 2010 1:23pm
I'm for. I want to be armed just like the next guy no matter where I go. Hipoint 9mm hope it doesn't stick when I need it.
End of Line's avatar
End of Line
Posts: 6,867
Sep 30, 2010 3:15pm
jordo212000's avatar
Posts: 10,664
Sep 30, 2010 3:18pm
Apparently the o.p. never watched the ?Death Wish" series
Posts: 7,117
Sep 30, 2010 3:28pm
Belly35;502292 wrote:Conceal Weapon (for / against)

Should business, restaurants and retail operation permit Registered CCW individual to carry their weapons into their operations?

I believe that should be up to those running the business.
I Wear Pants
Posts: 16,223
Sep 30, 2010 3:34pm
I'm for it. Although I'm also for letting businesses choose whether you can carry in the establishment. Guns in bars shouldn't be permitted.
tsst_fballfan's avatar
Posts: 406
Sep 30, 2010 3:50pm
Absolutely for it. Though like others have said I think each business should get to decide if they want it in their establishment. Ruger LCP with Crimson Trace Laser.
iclfan2's avatar
Posts: 6,360
Sep 30, 2010 3:52pm
For it. The criminals will always have them so I think the law abiding citizens should be able to be armed as well.
Glory Days's avatar
Glory Days
Posts: 7,809
Sep 30, 2010 8:46pm
Put this girl on order a while ago to carry.

Unfortunately, this is what i carry at work.
martyirish's avatar
Posts: 490
Oct 1, 2010 7:31am
I am not only for that but also Open Carry

What might I expect when openly carrying?

You should expect a few things:

You may be asked questions by law enforcement officials.
You may be asked questions, encounter "bad jokes", or receive looks and comments of disagreement from others.
You may be asked questions from concerned or interested citizens.
You may need to draw your weapon to protect yourself in the case of an emergency.
It's best if you are prepared for any situation and think through it. Think about what you are going to say in advance, but above all, keep these key points in mind:

Remain respectful to everyone at all times
Be prepared to walk away from a confrontation
Understand the laws and be able to quote them
Follow the orders of law enforcement officials, but do not necessarily consent.
There are a few good examples of what you might expect, including:

Open Carry Police Encounter in New Hampshire - good video and audio
Ohio citizen detained in Willowick - text write up with link to full audio at the bottom

Scenario: You are stopped by law enforcement

POLICE: Good afternoon, how are you?
YOU: I'm doing good. Thanks for asking.
POLICE: Is there a reason you are carrying that weapon?
YOU: I am carrying it for my protection.
POLICE: Do you really need to carry that gun?
YOU: I'm sorry, but I'm in a hurry. Am I being detained or am I free to go?
POLICE: You are not being detained, but I need to ask you a few questions.
YOU: I'm sorry, I am in a hurry. I need to be on my way as I am not being detained.

POLICE: May I see your drivers license?
YOU: Can you tell me what I am being stopped?
POLICE: Because I am checking out a call concerning a man with a gun.
YOU: It is perfectly legal to openly carry a gun in public.
POLICE: I still need to see your drivers license.
YOU: (assuming you are not driving or getting into a car) My name is ... and my address is ...
POLICE: I need to see your license.
YOU: Per Ohio Revised Code 2921.29, I do not have a duty to present id, but I do have the duty to disclose my name and address unless criminal activity is involved. Am I being detained?
POLICE: You are not being detained, but I need to ask you a few questions.
YOU: I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry. I need to be on my ay as I am not being detained.

POLICE: The city has an ordinance against openly carried firearms. I need to see your firearm and run the serial number.
YOU: (Provided you are not in a no-carry zone) Ohio Revised Code 9.68 which went into effect in early 2007 pre-empts all locals ordinances. There is no state law that will back up the statement that you need to run the serial number of my firearm.
POLICE: I need to take your firearm from you at this time.
YOU: I do not consent, but I will comply. Regardless, as there is nothing illegal about openly carrying a firearm, you may want to check with your superior officer. Federal Law provides for civil actions for deprivation of my civil rights per Title 42 and criminal action for deprivation of my rights under color of law per Title 18.

POLICE: The state or federal government prohibits openly carrying a firearm.
YOU: (assuming you are not in a no-carry zone) Can you provide the reference to the law?
POLICE: No, but there is a law against it.
YOU: Actually, there is no state or federal law preventing openly carrying a firearm. Both the Constitution of the United States and Ohio allow citizens to own and bear arms. In addition, in Klein vs. Leis, et. al., the Ohio Supreme Court mentioned in their ruling that Ohioans have a "fundamental, individual right to bear arms for self-defense". Am I being detained or am I free to go?

POLICE: It's legal to carry that, but I recommend you don't walk down the street with a firearm on your hip.
YOU: The joy of living in a free country is that two adults can hold different opinions and still have a civil conversation. It is my right to carry the weapon any way I choose. Am I being detained or am I free to go?

POLICE: I need to check to make sure you are not armed otherwise for my safety. I need to pat you down and check what is in your bag, ok?
YOU: Openly carrying a firearm is not illegal, therefore I am not breaking the law. Am I being detained or am I free to go?
POLICE: You are not being detained, but I still need to check you out. You must comply.
YOU: I do not consent, but I will comply. However, you may want to check with your superior officer. Federal Law provides for civil actions for deprivation of my civil rights per Title 42 and criminal action for deprivation of my rights under color of law per Title 18.

Scenario: You are the "butt" of a bad joke

JOKESTER: Oh no, a gun (throwing hands up in the air and smiling). I give up. I give up.
YOU: It's ok, put your hands down.
JOKESTER: I bet you get that a lot.
YOU: Actually I don't. That joke can have some pretty bad end results. If someone outside sees you do that, they may call the police. Or, someone else within the store may have try to be a hero and get involved.
JOKESTER: I never thought of that. Sorry.
YOU: No problem. But, here's a corny joke I heard. What did the gun say when it was fired? ... SHOOT.

Scenario: Joe citizen strikes up a pleasant conversation

JOE: Are you a cop?
YOU: No.
JOE: Why are you carrying that gun?
YOU: For your protection and mine.
JOE: What permit do you have to have to do that?
YOU: None, it's a constitutionally guaranteed right by both the US and the State of Ohio.
JOE: That's pretty cool. Where can I learn more?
YOU: I'm glad you asked. Here's a card with some basic information and a few website links where you can find additional information.

Scenario: Joe citizen strikes up a confrontational conversation

JOE: Are you a cop?
YOU: No.
JOE: Are you allowed to carry that?
YOU: Yes. It's a constitutionally guaranteed right.
JOE: I think guns are disgusting. You should carry that.
YOU: That's great that you think that. It's wonderful that we live in a free society where we can have different opinions.
JOE: You must be a moron to carry that. What do you have, a god complex?
YOU: Have a good day good (as you walk away).
OneBuckeye's avatar
Posts: 5,888
Oct 1, 2010 7:52am
I'm for open carry. People should wear em like john wayne. Everyone will know that everyone else will put em down if they misbehave, and nothing happens. Kinda like a Cold War.

Fab4Runner's avatar
Posts: 6,196
Oct 1, 2010 8:38am
For and it should be up the the individual businesses.
Posts: 2,693
Oct 1, 2010 9:03am
For. I don't plan to carry, and I don't like it when other do, but it's a right that we have.
LJ's avatar
Posts: 16,351
Oct 1, 2010 9:21am
fan_from_texas;503324 wrote:For. I don't plan to carry, and I don't like it when other do, but it's a right that we have.
That's the cool thing about it being concealed. If we met in public and you had never met me before you would never know that I am carrying
Posts: 935
Oct 1, 2010 9:25am
For it.... (Stainless Smith and Wesson 38 Special @ work for the bad guys)... It is a beauty!