Man gets beat by cops for sticking up for another citizen.

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Ender Wiggin's avatar
Ender Wiggin
Posts: 1,124
Sep 25, 2010 5:10pm

Dont dare try and offer support for another person or youll get your ass kicked.
brutus161's avatar
Posts: 1,686
Sep 25, 2010 6:36pm
Dude, you are the only person on here that pisses me off. You need to stfu and go away.
Ender Wiggin's avatar
Ender Wiggin
Posts: 1,124
Sep 25, 2010 7:15pm
If I piss you off over posts about stories on the internet then that sounds like a personal problem that you need to work on.

Id suggest stepping away from the computer if things like this piss you off.
Steel Valley Football
Posts: 4,548
Sep 25, 2010 8:41pm
This is way old.
tcarrier32's avatar
Posts: 1,497
Sep 25, 2010 8:44pm
this is old. but it is still disgusting.
CenterBHSFan's avatar
Posts: 6,115
Sep 25, 2010 9:28pm
Looks like that website, "Classic Liberal", is just a regular love nest for bad cop stories.

Where on the "Classic Liberal" website are the good cop stories???
iclfan2's avatar
Posts: 6,360
Sep 25, 2010 10:12pm
No one knows what happened in the video. You are a cop hater, which I don't even side with, but you are a douche bag.
Art Modell's avatar
Art Modell
Posts: 2,338
Sep 25, 2010 10:19pm
Nothing wrong here. The man interfered in a police matter and was asked for his ID. He refused to cooperate with officers and they took the proper measurements. Maybe next time the guy will mind his own business.
like_that's avatar
Posts: 26,625
Sep 25, 2010 10:59pm
WOW, how many cop threads are you going to make? Did you have a bad experience while getting arrested or something? Get over it.
Glory Days's avatar
Glory Days
Posts: 7,809
Sep 25, 2010 11:29pm
the news and that guys lawyer did some nice video editing.

Watch the complete video after the news clip. he should have also been charged with assaulting a police officer. he is pissed about getting a ticket and starts mouthing off to the cops. as the cops begin to put handcuffs on him, he tries to walk away and then turns and strikes the officer in the throat at the 2:58 mark then again at 3:13 and 3:15. too bad the city is too pussy to charge the guy.
RelsonGracieBJJ's avatar
Posts: 528
Sep 25, 2010 11:45pm
If there were not BAD COPS there would not be BAD COP stories.
Sep 25, 2010 11:57pm
I'M SURPRISED THOSE BIG GAY COPS DIDNT SHOOT THE DOGS TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MAKES ME SICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ender Wiggin's avatar
Ender Wiggin
Posts: 1,124
Sep 26, 2010 7:13pm
iclfan2;497321 wrote:No one knows what happened in the video. You are a cop hater, which I don't even side with, but you are a douche bag.

Im a cop hater because I posted a topic about cops and my opinion on it?

Yep that makes total sense.

Dont be such a dumb piece of shit please. Your logic makes no sense.

You are the douche bag.
Heelz's avatar
Posts: 780
Sep 26, 2010 7:24pm
Surprise surprise another cop bashing thread by Wiggin
Posts: 4,929
Sep 26, 2010 7:36pm
The mama pajama rolled out of bed and she ran to the police station...
Ender Wiggin's avatar
Ender Wiggin
Posts: 1,124
Sep 26, 2010 7:38pm
How is it cop bashing exactly? Did I say anything in this topic negatively about the cops? Or did I simply make a topic about a story?

Lets use our brains here. I know its hard for some of you idiots but please try :)
Fly4Fun's avatar
Posts: 7,730
Sep 26, 2010 7:41pm
I love cake. I was at a wedding yesterday and had a delicious slice of wedding cake... although I'm not a fan of the icing since it's so goddamn hard. But my favorite cake is what I always had at my birthday as a child, which is a homemade triple layer chocolate cake with a icing that tastes like fudge for the most part.

What kind of cake do other people like?
Sep 26, 2010 7:47pm
Fly4Fun;498254 wrote: What kind of cake do other people like?

I like white cake with a little bit of icing. Like the middle slice of a normal birthday cake. The side pieces always have the decorative icing and its just simply too much for me.

Because of this, I am very keen on cupcakes: especially confetti cake.
Ender Wiggin's avatar
Ender Wiggin
Posts: 1,124
Sep 26, 2010 7:50pm
Have you all ever had Sprinkles cupcakes? They are by far the best ive ever tasted. Id highly recommend the Red Velvet or Carrot Cake cupcakes.

They have boxes in stores so you can make them at home but they are never as good as the real thing.