Speeding Ticket Laws

Serious Business Backup 13 replies 613 views
Posts: 4,085
Sep 22, 2010 11:37pm
I can't seem to finf these laws for Toledo, but I have some questions....

I was pulled over tonight (along with at least 12 other cars over the vcourse of 10-15 minutes) as they had a plane doing radar and shooting information down to police on who to pull over. I am actually thinking about contesting this for a couple of reasons:

1. It was near the Michigan/Ohio line and the cop said the plane wasn't clocking people me until they had crossed the border. Can they really prove that in court?
2. How can they know for sure that the pulled over the approipirate car. Based on my understanding the best the plane can say is the color of the car. I don't think they have the ability to dientify the make/model of the car on the license plate #. I was not the only gray car on the road. Who's to say the right car was even pulled over to begin with?
3. On the ticket the officer handed me he did not mark how my speed was clocked and "air" was an option. Does this mean he filed and incomplete ticket which makes it null and void?

Just wanted to throw these questions out there and get some input from others...
Laley23's avatar
Posts: 29,506
Sep 22, 2010 11:44pm
Talk to a lawyer first (or someone who would know) for free. Because if you fight it, and you are wrong, its a lot more expensive than a fine.

It does sound a little suspect, BUT...I doubt they to this if the law didnt say they could. The bad ticket could be good for you though. But I doubt you will get off based on if you were in the wrong state or because your car wasnt easily IDed. The plane could just say "gray car passing you......NOW.....middle lane" etc.
Posts: 2,693
Sep 23, 2010 12:26am
Were you speeding? If so, just pay your fine and move on with it.

If you weren't speeding, and you were erroneously charged, then perhaps you should try to do something about it.
I Wear Pants
Posts: 16,223
Sep 23, 2010 12:53am
It doesn't really matter how your speed was "clocked" because in Ohio the officer doesn't have to have radared or lasered you to give you a speeding ticket. Their estimate is good enough. Now they don't go around eyeballing people and issuing tickets like that but I bet they'd do so in court if you challanged them over a checkbox on a ticket and you were in fact speeding.

Unless this is going to make you miss your mortgage or gas bill or something or it's going to put you over the number of points on your license so that you get suspended I wouldn't do anything but pay it. If you wanted to you could probably show up to your court date and try to get the fine lowered but I kinda doubt the judge will just throw it out.
ClayAikenation's avatar
Posts: 89
Sep 23, 2010 1:02am
Don't be a bitch- pay the fine or pay the price ^ _ ^
Glory Days's avatar
Glory Days
Posts: 7,809
Sep 23, 2010 7:18am
slingshot4ever;493959 wrote:I can't seem to finf these laws for Toledo, but I have some questions....

I was pulled over tonight (along with at least 12 other cars over the vcourse of 10-15 minutes) as they had a plane doing radar and shooting information down to police on who to pull over. I am actually thinking about contesting this for a couple of reasons:

1. It was near the Michigan/Ohio line and the cop said the plane wasn't clocking people me until they had crossed the border. Can they really prove that in court?
2. How can they know for sure that the pulled over the approipirate car. Based on my understanding the best the plane can say is the color of the car. I don't think they have the ability to dientify the make/model of the car on the license plate #. I was not the only gray car on the road. Who's to say the right car was even pulled over to begin with?
3. On the ticket the officer handed me he did not mark how my speed was clocked and "air" was an option. Does this mean he filed and incomplete ticket which makes it null and void?

Just wanted to throw these questions out there and get some input from others...

1. No different than proving the cop clocked you coming around the corner versus on the straight section of road.
2. A.)Probably because the plane followed your car until the cop was behind you.
B.) Not sure what you mean by “. I don't think they have the ability to dientify the make/model of the car on the license plate #.” But they have the ability to identify everything about you(owner) and the vehicle by your license plate number.
3. Doubt it, but with some judges you never know. Now if he was missing the speed or some other important information, probably.
Posts: 13,021
Sep 23, 2010 9:02am
Trust me, they've been doing this for awhile and don't think you're the first genius to question the process...it sucks but you're screwed. Pay the fine and move on.
Iliketurtles's avatar
Posts: 8,191
Sep 23, 2010 10:32am
Don't speed then you won't have to worry about this.
4cards's avatar
Posts: 2,551
Sep 23, 2010 11:04am
...Be glad you got caught in Ohio and not Mexico where speeding is a felony which carries jail time.
Oddly enough, if you kill someone or smuggle drugs it seems like NO ONE goes to jail for that down there...?
Thread Bomber's avatar
Thread Bomber
Posts: 1,851
Sep 23, 2010 11:10am
Roll the dice and plead not guity. If the Officer does not show up at trial, The state has no witness and no case.....

Or you could quit whining and pay the fucking fine.............
Rider_In_Ttown's avatar
Posts: 246
Sep 23, 2010 2:25pm
They can get your plate # from the air. I know a few people that have had tickets mailed to them from being clocked from the air. My neighbor got one on the AW Trail going towards Waterville. I know they do patrol that area by air a lot.
kritzell's avatar
Posts: 257
Sep 23, 2010 3:52pm
Iliketurtles;494179 wrote:Don't speed then you won't have to worry about this.
Captain obvious to the rescue.
kritzell's avatar
Posts: 257
Sep 23, 2010 3:54pm
4cards;494200 wrote:...Be glad you got caught in Ohio and not Mexico where speeding is a felony which carries jail time.
Oddly enough, if you kill someone or smuggle drugs it seems like NO ONE goes to jail for that down there...?

My brother got pulled over for speeding down there and they just took his money. :)
kritzell's avatar
Posts: 257
Sep 23, 2010 3:55pm
4cards;494200 wrote:...Be glad you got caught in Ohio and not Mexico where speeding is a felony which carries jail time.
Oddly enough, if you kill someone or smuggle drugs it seems like NO ONE goes to jail for that down there...?

My brother got pulled over for speeding down there and they just took his money. :)
Posts: 4,085
Sep 23, 2010 7:36pm
I am only thinking about it because they say they had me going 89 in a 60. There is no way I was moving that fast. I never go over 80....
redfalcon's avatar
Posts: 1,088
Sep 23, 2010 10:29pm
4cards;494200 wrote:...Be glad you got caught in Ohio and not Mexico where speeding is a felony which carries jail time.
Oddly enough, if you kill someone or smuggle drugs it seems like NO ONE goes to jail for that down there...?


Yes there are speed limits in Mexico and the police do enforce them. You want to avoid all possibility of getting arrested. Even a speeding ticket can get problematic if other circumstances arise to escalate things. Speed limits are posted.

Speeding is, as a rule, easily taken care of by offering to pay the fine on the spot. If you cannot pay on the spot, one of three things will occur:

The officer will accept less money.
The officer will accompany you to an ATM while waiting around the corner.
The officer will take your driver's license and you'll receive a ticket. You will need to pay the fine to retrieve your drivers license.
Sometimes the officer will simply let you off with a warning if you have a good attitude.

You will NOT be arrested.

Hell, they can arrest you in Wyoming or Ohio for speeding, and they do on occasion, but seriously?