Chuck 4th season

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martyirish's avatar
Posts: 490
Sep 22, 2010 10:07am
It started monday
Dulph Lungren was on (the russian in Rocky 4)
He did two lines from Rocky the I recall in mondays show
"I will break you"
"If the die, they die"
Good stuff
NWIndianNation01's avatar
Posts: 996
Sep 22, 2010 10:46am
DVR'ed it...can't wait to watch it.
iclfan2's avatar
Posts: 6,360
Sep 22, 2010 7:59pm
I really like this show Started off on the right foot this season.
Little Danny's avatar
Little Danny
Posts: 4,288
Sep 22, 2010 8:03pm
Yeah Dolph was great and it was cool hearing the lines. The timing of the "if they die" line was hilarious. On another note, seeing Dolph and (SPOILER ALERT) Linda Hamilton looking as old as they did just reminds me even more how how I am becoming.
killer_ewok's avatar
Posts: 11,379
Sep 22, 2010 9:03pm
Loved the season premiere.
NWIndianNation01's avatar
Posts: 996
Sep 23, 2010 7:57am
Great start to the season! Awesome that Olivia Munn was on there! Hope she is in a few episodes! Adds to the hotness factor!