Visual Basic/Excel 2007 Help

Serious Business Backup 4 replies 167 views
j_crazy's avatar
Posts: 8,372
Sep 14, 2010 3:07pm
Aight, I'm not exactly a programmer but I know how to do enough things in VB to be pretty dangerous to myself. I have a spreadsheet that is tracking some very expensive things, and it's constantly being updated by 3 or 4 different people. I've got the code in so that the last author and last save time are being displayed for me, but I'd like to have a macro that will run and update these 2 cells whenever I (or anyone else) saves the document.

Is this possible? If so, how must it be coded to get it to work?
j_crazy's avatar
Posts: 8,372
Sep 14, 2010 4:58pm
I figured out a work around that does what i need. Mods can close this down.
gorocks99's avatar
Posts: 10,760
Sep 14, 2010 5:01pm
Do a barrel roll.
krambman's avatar
Posts: 3,606
Sep 14, 2010 7:22pm
If multiple people are accessing this and it's constantly being updated I'm wondering why you're using Excel and not Access or some online database program.
j_crazy's avatar
Posts: 8,372
Sep 14, 2010 7:50pm
I was told to do it in excel.