Yet another reason to thank the Deities that I was born male..

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Cat Food Flambe''s avatar
Cat Food Flambe'
Posts: 1,230
Sep 12, 2010 5:16pm
Lady D'Friskies is interviewing for a job with her existing employer at their corporate office across town (she currently works at their production/warehouse facility as the "Ms. Fix-it" for their IT systems in the NW area of Greater Columbus). Understandably, it's a somewhat different culture, with a separate set of dress codes, etc.

One that I don't get - female employees are required to wear pantyhose if they wear a skirt or dress, which my wife prefers to do much of the time. She doesn't have a problem with it - but what's the reasoning behind this rule?
Posts: 2,693
Sep 12, 2010 5:22pm
Cat Food Flambe';481492 wrote:Lady D'Friskies is interviewing for a job with her existing employer at their corporate office across town (she currently works at their production/warehouse facility as the "Ms. Fix-it" for their IT systems in the NW area of Greater Columbus). Understandably, it's a somewhat different culture, with a separate set of dress codes, etc.

One that I don't get - female employees are required to wear pantyhose if they wear a skirt or dress, which my wife prefers to do much of the time. She doesn't have a problem with it - but what's the reasoning behind this rule?

Going without is somewhat of an old-school fashion faux pas, such as wearing a belt with suspenders or a guy having part of his undershirt showing. It's not sexist so much as it's just a random rule of style. I assume she's also not supposed to wear open-toed shoes, either?
tk421's avatar
Posts: 8,500
Sep 12, 2010 5:23pm
Pantyhose I'm not a fan. Some thigh highs, though, are hot. :D Course, I don't have to wear them.
Cat Food Flambe''s avatar
Cat Food Flambe'
Posts: 1,230
Sep 12, 2010 5:52pm
fan_from_texas;481497 wrote:Going without is somewhat of an old-school fashion faux pas, such as wearing a belt with suspenders or a guy having part of his undershirt showing. It's not sexist so much as it's just a random rule of style. I assume she's also not supposed to wear open-toed shoes, either?


In fact, she actually has a couple of pairs of steel-toe dress "flats" she keeps in her office at work for when she has to venture out to certain areas of the facility where she presently works. Until she found those on-line a few years ago, she occasionally could be seen roaming the "safety-footwear-required" areas of the warehouse in a dress and a pair of good old-fashioned Red Wing wafflestompers if an unexpected problem developed in Production. :)
Posts: 4,929
Sep 12, 2010 6:30pm
.......I love Muggsy. End rant.
Posts: 2,693
Sep 12, 2010 6:37pm
Cat Food Flambe';481526 wrote:Correct.

In fact, she actually has a couple of pairs of steel-toe dress "flats" she keeps in her office at work for when she has to venture out to certain areas of the facility where she presently works. Until she found those on-line a few years ago, she occasionally could be seen roaming the "safety-footwear-required" areas of the warehouse in a dress and a pair of good old-fashioned Red Wing wafflestompers if an unexpected problem developed in Production. :)

We have all sorts of seemingly arbitrary dress code requirements as well, though most are geared toward the ladies. I think they're pretty arbitrarily and relatively pointless, but they're important to my bosses, so I go along with them.
Cat Food Flambe''s avatar
Cat Food Flambe'
Posts: 1,230
Sep 12, 2010 7:49pm
Gardens - Muggsy is once again on the market!

She moved back in with my mother-in-law last month after husband number six found out she was cyber-sexing with some guy on the same website where they met. At least they made it a full year - which is an improvement over six week with #3 and four months with #5.

Both of her minor children are now living with her ex's - so she's free just about any night!
Posts: 4,929
Sep 12, 2010 7:53pm
Cat Food Flambe';481614 wrote:Gardens - Muggsy is once again on the market!

She moved back in with my mother-in-law last month after husband number six found out she was cyber-sexing with some guy on the same website where they met..........

That lucky SOB..........I'll keep lookin'
ernest_t_bass's avatar
Posts: 24,984
Sep 13, 2010 9:59am
Pics or it didn't happen.
Fab4Runner's avatar
Posts: 6,196
Sep 13, 2010 11:31am
I worked at a department store and we had to wear dress socks or hose after Labor Day. One of the many reason I love my current job: I get to wear jeans, t shirts, flip flops, etc.