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bigdaddy2003's avatar
Posts: 7,384
Sep 5, 2010 12:39am
Did anyone go watch Machete yet?
ClayAikenation's avatar
Posts: 89
Sep 5, 2010 12:41am
Yea, Its pretty awesome......saw it with my boytoy which made it more enjoyable
bigdaddy2003's avatar
Posts: 7,384
Sep 5, 2010 1:45pm
It could have been much better. I wish I would have known it was going to be one big political statement.
jordo212000's avatar
Posts: 10,664
Sep 5, 2010 2:35pm
I will watch it at some point. I've wanted to watch it since I saw the trailer during Grindhouse
bigdaddy2003's avatar
Posts: 7,384
Sep 5, 2010 4:42pm
jordo212000;472432 wrote:I will watch it at some point. I've wanted to watch it since I saw the trailer during Grindhouse

Well how much you like this flick will depend on your stance on illegal immigration.
iclfan2's avatar
Posts: 6,360
Sep 5, 2010 4:44pm
bigdaddy2003;472511 wrote:Well how much you like this flick will depend on your stance on illegal immigration.

It is against Arizona and border patrol?
bigdaddy2003's avatar
Posts: 7,384
Sep 5, 2010 4:53pm
iclfan2;472516 wrote:It is against Arizona and border patrol?

Yes, but cleverly it's set in Texas instead of AZ and the senator involved is John McLaughlin aka John McCain.
jordo212000's avatar
Posts: 10,664
Sep 5, 2010 5:08pm
Ahh I don't think I'll get all that emotional about it. I have my opinions, I doubt I will take Machete all that seriously. The preview has a dude flying through the air with a machine gun hooked to the front.
Posts: 615
Sep 5, 2010 10:38pm
I'm just glad Danny Trejo gets a lead role, finally! Will see it sooner or later.
Little Danny's avatar
Little Danny
Posts: 4,288
Sep 6, 2010 12:35pm
I am going to take a pretty wild guess and say that the movie is anti-AZ and border patrol.
bigdaddy2003's avatar
Posts: 7,384
Sep 6, 2010 1:10pm
Little Danny;473162 wrote:I am going to take a pretty wild guess and say that the movie is anti-AZ and border patrol.

believer's avatar
Posts: 8,153
Sep 6, 2010 1:44pm
Little Danny;473162 wrote:I am going to take a pretty wild guess and say that the movie is anti-AZ and border patrol.'s amazing how fast Hollyweird capitalizes on political issues to make a buck while simultaneously sending incredibly skewed views of political reality to those dumb enough to fork over their hard-earned cash to keep these clowns in business. Just sayin'.......;)
Laley23's avatar
Posts: 29,506
Sep 6, 2010 2:57pm
Not criticizing anyone, but are you surprised at an underlying theme. Its Robert Rodriguez. Parents from Mexico, he is a Mexican-American born in Texas. Pretty outspoken about the whole ordeal (although not in the media).

BTW, Trejo is Rodriguez' second cousin.
bigdaddy2003's avatar
Posts: 7,384
Sep 6, 2010 5:22pm
I'm not shocked but I didn't assume they would beat you over the head with it the whole movie.
Laley23's avatar
Posts: 29,506
Sep 6, 2010 5:45pm
bigdaddy2003;473516 wrote:I'm not shocked but I didn't assume they would beat you over the head with it the whole movie.

fair enough. I havent seen it, so I cant comment any further than I have.
Scarlet_Buckeye's avatar
Posts: 5,264
Sep 7, 2010 12:45pm
Looks stupid.
killdeer's avatar
Posts: 1,538
Sep 7, 2010 12:53pm
Is this supposed to be the same "uncle Machete" character as in Robert Rodriguez's "Spy Kids", amped up for an adult audience?
Also saw Cheech is the previews...

will definitely watch at some point...those toungue-in-cheek throwback action flicks a la "Grindhouse" and "Kill Bill" are enjoyable escapism if not presented to seriously...
FatHobbit's avatar
Posts: 8,651
Sep 7, 2010 1:07pm
Hmmm, the grind house preview had some naked ladies in it. Any chance Lyndsay is one of them in the movie?
bases_loaded's avatar
Posts: 6,912
Sep 7, 2010 1:09pm
FatHobbit;474714 wrote:Hmmm, the grind house preview had some naked ladies in it. Any chance Lyndsay is one of them in the movie?
I believe she is. About two years too late
FatHobbit's avatar
Posts: 8,651
Sep 7, 2010 1:11pm
bases_loaded;474716 wrote:I believe she is. About two years too late

Lol, maybe so but that might be enough motivation to get me to watch it.
Laley23's avatar
Posts: 29,506
Sep 7, 2010 1:11pm
The Grindhouse preview I think was a joke trailer turned into a real movie.

Yes, Im pretty sure Machete is the same charcter.

Rodriguez combined the real movie and the Grindhouse preview into a trailer which people thought was real but it was a joke. It was about Machete targeting the Arizona Immigration shit. Looks like it wasnt so much a joke in terms of content.
bigdaddy2003's avatar
Posts: 7,384
Sep 7, 2010 1:14pm
bases_loaded;474716 wrote:I believe she is. About two years too late

Yes she is one of the naked ladies and you are correct. It's a little too late.
bases_loaded's avatar
Posts: 6,912
Sep 7, 2010 4:36pm
FatHobbit;474719 wrote:Lol, maybe so but that might be enough motivation to get me to watch it.
Save yourself the $$$ and google it
Little Danny's avatar
Little Danny
Posts: 4,288
Sep 7, 2010 4:44pm
Ahhh, what once was. They should do a before and after shot as a "Just So No to Drugs" spot: