meniere's disease

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said_aouita's avatar
Posts: 8,532
Sep 2, 2010 2:32pm
Anyone ever deal with Meniere's disease?'s_disease

My good friend has been battling this for about a year. Only thing the doc's ever do is up his steroids, which helps for a short time. Then his body gets use to that amount of steroid, so the doctor prescribes more. He's tired of the tests after tests after tests, which has never been helpful in the past, he says.

Yea, I'm not a doctor. I'm expressing my friends frustration. Later this month he's going to the Cleveland Clinic.

I just thought I'd ask the fellow members of Ohio Chatter.

Thanks all.
gerb131's avatar
Posts: 9,932
Sep 2, 2010 3:15pm
Vertigo is the worst! Hope your friend gets some answers.
Def Leopard
Posts: 176
Sep 2, 2010 3:46pm
I experienced vertigo about 5 years ago and the doc told me I had Meniere's disease. He put me on a diuretic I take every day and have not had any more problems. Other than taking a whizz every couple of hours. Fluid in, fluid out.
sherm03's avatar
Posts: 7,349
Sep 2, 2010 4:34pm
The doctors think that my wife has Meniere's Disease. She used to have really bad episodes where she would get so dizzy that she would throw up. It was so bad for awhile that she had trouble going to work and getting through a complete day without getting dizzy and puking.

She was prescribed some allergy medicine and has to really limit the amount of sodium that she eats.

Luckily the episodes have gotten under control quite a bit. But there will still be the days, usually after we go out drinking or if she misses a dosage of her medicine or we eat out at a restaurant, where she'll get really dizzy and sick to her stomach.
CinciX12's avatar
Posts: 2,874
Sep 2, 2010 6:21pm
I've taken care of a few patients that have had this before. It really sucks because not everyone presents with the same symptoms and their really isn't a standard way of treating it. The steroid route to me just always seems like a bad option because of the side effects. Granted the symptoms are worth trying anything to get rid of.

Vertigo with a migraine is something I have seen that I never want to experience.

Usually what is done is the approach of antihistamines to decrease the flare ups and antiemetics to control the nausea, what works for 1 person will not always work for another. It takes time.
tsst_fballfan's avatar
Posts: 406
Sep 3, 2010 12:47pm
I have BPPV so I know what some of the symptoms feel like. Hope your friend gets some help.