Naming things

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Belly35's avatar
Posts: 9,716
Sep 1, 2010 2:32pm
I named my kids (nick names), my pets, I have a few names for my wife and a few names for some enemies, politicians, lawyers, accountants and insurance guys..

I have named a few material items that I own. Example:

My house is called .. The White House (its white)
My new Truck is called .. Black Ice (family joke)
Wife Honda EXL …. The Car
My Jeep … White Trash
The Tractor … Big Orange
My first car 1956 Ford…. Red Drag-on
Second Car 53 Chevy … Ole Blue
Third Car 57 Chevy …. Parker (that car provide a lot of action)
Had a few other cars I have named but you get the idea
Our first house … Sugar Shack
My Grease Gun .45 …. Rat Bait
My .45 ……. Boomer
OK you get the idea

What are some things (material possession) or not you have given a name to?
Fab4Runner's avatar
Posts: 6,196
Sep 1, 2010 3:54pm
My old car was the Red Rambler and my current car is Blanche. My Mom's old car was Stella. I don't really name a lot of stuff...but I do think of weird stuff as people. The Goodyear Blimp is my buddy (it's definitely a he). He lives about a mile from my house.
wes_mantooth's avatar
Posts: 17,977
Sep 1, 2010 3:56pm
I named my testes.....James Westfall and Dr Kennith Noisewater.
tk421's avatar
Posts: 8,500
Sep 1, 2010 4:04pm
Don't name anything. I don't really see the point. Only thing around here that has a name is the cat.
Steel Valley Football
Posts: 4,548
Sep 1, 2010 4:48pm
My buddy named his cat Cat.
Apple's avatar
Posts: 2,620
Sep 1, 2010 8:15pm
My cat has white hair. I call him White Cat. The kids named him Apollo. He answers to White Cat (when he wants to, but he IS a cat).
redfalcon's avatar
Posts: 1,088
Sep 1, 2010 8:29pm
My family's cat is cat. We changed its name from kitten after the older cat (named cat) died.
BRF's avatar
Posts: 8,748
Sep 1, 2010 9:22pm
I was going to give my name for Ty Webb and certain other posters, but that would be name calling. So, I will take my '95 Ford Econoline van and submit: The Green Machine aka The Beast aka The People Mover.