Help promote the golf outing. Pass out or pin up these fliers around your town.

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justincredible's avatar
Posts: 32,056
Aug 30, 2010 11:46am
I've attached 2 fliers below. One for golfing, the other for sponsorships.

golf2.pdf is for registering for the golf outing. I've included tear tags at the bottom of the sheet so before pinning them up they would need to be cut into strips. Pinning them up at local grocery stores, restaurants or any other business would be great. If you live near a store like Golf Galaxy, Golfsmith, etc, they would probably be even more effective posted there.

OCgolfoutingSponsorships.pdf is information for sponsoring the outing. Hand it out at any businesses, to your boss or HR department, or anywhere you think it might lead to a sponsorship for the outing. Getting these sponsorships will be vital to making the event a success.

Your help is especially appreciated and needed if you live in the Newark/Zanesville area since Longaberger is smack in between the two. I believe that businesses close to the course will be the most likely to sponsor in some capacity.

If you do hand these out or pin them up somewhere, drop me a quick PM or post in this thread where they've been distributed.
redfalcon's avatar
Posts: 1,088
Aug 30, 2010 8:36pm
Okay, but I don't think it will help.....
justincredible's avatar
Posts: 32,056
Aug 30, 2010 9:31pm
redfalcon;466442 wrote:Okay, but I don't think it will help.....

Har har. :)
Aug 31, 2010 8:12am
I know one guy who is going to print off like 5 million and hang them up all over card attached! :D
Aug 31, 2010 8:15am
BTW...the forms look professional. Good job.

However, the only thing you didn't provide us with is your social security number and your wife's cup size. Please fill us in so we can go about stealing your identity and taking away everything you care about.
GoChiefs's avatar
Posts: 16,754
Aug 31, 2010 2:06pm
SnotBubbles;466791 wrote:However, the only thing you didn't provide us with is your social security number and your wife's cup size.

36B...sorry..I didn't see his social security I can't help you out on that one.
Aug 31, 2010 2:46pm
ZWICK 4 PREZ's avatar
Posts: 7,733
Sep 2, 2010 10:02am
justincredible's avatar
Posts: 32,056
Sep 2, 2010 10:04am
ZWICK 4 PREZ;469270 wrote:no.

Thank you, you've been a wonderful help.
ZWICK 4 PREZ's avatar
Posts: 7,733
Sep 2, 2010 10:07am
justincredible;469273 wrote:Thank you, you've been a wonderful help.

ur welcome
justincredible's avatar
Posts: 32,056
Sep 8, 2010 11:12am
Due to an underwhelming lack of interest I am thinking of canceling the outing before I am stuck paying the $500 deposit out of my pocket.
ZWICK 4 PREZ's avatar
Posts: 7,733
Sep 8, 2010 11:17am
justincredible;475762 wrote:Due to an underwhelming lack of interest I am thinking of canceling the outing before I am stuck paying the $500 deposit out of my pocket.

I told 4 golf leagues about it and gave out fliers, but they don't wanna drive the distance is the common response.
justincredible's avatar
Posts: 32,056
Sep 8, 2010 12:29pm
I could also try to push the outing back until the Spring.
gerb131's avatar
Posts: 9,932
Sep 8, 2010 1:24pm
Hmm. Can we just get like a normal bring a case of beer and tear some shit up outing? Either way I told ya I'd play so I will do so.
wildcats20's avatar
Posts: 27,794
Sep 8, 2010 1:31pm
Hmm. Can we just get like a normal bring a case of beer and tear some shit up outing? Either way I told ya I'd play so I will do so.
Yeah maybe a different course and just reserve a block to tee times and what not? Only reason I say a different course is to keep cost down.
Rider_In_Ttown's avatar
Posts: 246
Sep 8, 2010 3:41pm
I was going to register as soon as we found a 4th golfer. I have 3, but it seems like everyone I talk to is busy that weekend. Whatever you guys do, I am in.