Madden PS3 Lost Connection to Peer

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MANAZE's avatar
Posts: 1,055
Aug 28, 2010 1:33am
I don't know what the problem is but I just tried to play an online game and it disconnected after I scored a touchdown on the opening drive in the 1st quarter. I keep getting this as well on Ultimate Team even when I play the computer. Does anyone know what I can do to fix this? And yes I have Comcast high speed internet. I played Madden 10 and never had a problem losing games and before that I had all the Maddens on the 360 and never had a problem dropping games. Does anyone have any advice?
imex99's avatar
Posts: 4,927
Aug 28, 2010 10:55am
Trying putting your ps3 IP address under your routers dmz....Only suggestion or google search ps3 ports to open or madden 11 ports for ps3. DMZ is easiest to try first!!!