The last thing… stupid

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Belly35's avatar
Posts: 9,716
Aug 26, 2010 11:14am
What are some of the last things you have done that was stupid?

….Never to do again but we are all guilty of stupid …

Example: Ordered a wire bra on line?
Used a permanent marker on your sister face?
Put a beer in the freeze and it exploded?
Baked a Strawberry pie/
You put something with a store labeled UPC in a microwave?
Stepped in the shower that was way to hot?
Told your mom to shut up with your dad in the room?
Boiled eggs and forgot them on the stove ..exploding egg on the ceiling?
Posted something on this Thread?
Toasted fungus (mold) bread?
(I use term fungus it’s more disgusting and alarming. Mold sound like all you have to do is scrape it off and it’s good again)
….The list above is based on real life situation via the Belly Family Member Chronicles …
Darkon's avatar
Posts: 3,476
Aug 26, 2010 11:39am
Read this thread. HAHA

Stepped in dog crap this morning. Neighbors dog loves my front yard.
Posts: 12,198
Aug 26, 2010 11:46am
...not serving in the military after undergrad.
rmolin73's avatar
Posts: 4,278
Aug 27, 2010 2:01am
Took the radiator cap off of a overheated car
Belly35's avatar
Posts: 9,716
Aug 27, 2010 6:26am
rmolin73;463277 wrote:Took the radiator cap off of a overheated car
Oh! Now that is stupid but you only do that once ... been there done that...
rmolin73's avatar
Posts: 4,278
Aug 27, 2010 6:32am
LOL I know after the fact I was like that was stupid as hell and that shit burned. My fiance on the other hand was in the car pissing her pants laughing at me.
Cat Food Flambe''s avatar
Cat Food Flambe'
Posts: 1,230
Aug 27, 2010 11:43am
Agreed to let the wife go off The Pill...