Impulse buying ..Last item, worst item and best

Serious Business Backup 1 replies 193 views
Belly35's avatar
Posts: 9,716
Aug 20, 2010 10:47am
Impulse buying : Spur of the moment, unplanned decision to buy, made just before a purchase

What was the last item you purchase on an impulse buying spree?

Gun Show I bought three leather handgun carriers/storage bags with sheep lining … really did need this item ..use them but could have done without.

What was the worst item you have ever purchase via impulse buying?

I bought at a Flea Market one case (24) of 80 Watts Spot Lights …they don’t fit into my outside spot light sockets…worthless
I use them in the garage overhead light the only socket they will fit..….with 22 remaining I will be dead before the last one is used…

Best impulse purchase? Two weeks ago 1490LMT Garmin .. has saved me money and time in doing company milage for taxes and expenses
thedynasty1998's avatar
Posts: 6,844
Aug 20, 2010 10:57am
I'm usually good about impulse buys, but I was in Playa del Carmen last year and bought some bracelet from a jeweler. I thought it was cool and ended up talking him down and just bought it. I see it every so often and just wonder what the hell I was thinking, because I don' wear jewelry and have only worn it a few times.