Consol Energy Center first event, Aug 18--Paul McCartney.

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GoPens's avatar
Posts: 2,339
Aug 15, 2010 2:15am
Anyone else going? Heard it was sold out but went to Ticketmaster and got 2 tickets last week. Big Beatles fan so looking forward to it.

Also looking forward to checking out the new arena. I hear it's fantastic.
End of Line's avatar
End of Line
Posts: 6,867
Aug 15, 2010 4:26am
I still prefer a hockey game being the first thing "played" there.
osudarby08's avatar
Posts: 734
Aug 15, 2010 9:30am
Im going there next month with my dad to see Rush.
End of Line's avatar
End of Line
Posts: 6,867
Aug 15, 2010 12:58pm
osudarby08;451634 wrote:Im going there next month with my dad to see Rush.

GoPens's avatar
Posts: 2,339
Aug 19, 2010 1:47am
What a great show. For being 68, McCartney still sounds good. 39 songs, just under 3 hours long.

There was a co-star for the evening. Consol Energy Center is AMAZING. What a palace. Can't wait to see a hockey game there.
Posts: 4,558
Aug 19, 2010 1:52am
DMB will be playing there in November, I'll be there for that. Nice to hear it's amazing.