Belly thoughts ..

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Belly35's avatar
Posts: 9,716
Aug 4, 2010 2:02pm
We all started this world with the same abilities to be educated, learned individuals in many skills and prepared for the work force of the future. Who the blame for those who are poor and uneducated that’s draining others via taxes to provide Federal funding to the poor and hurting the American economy with ever increasing and expanding Federal entitlements programs and bills.
Want to blame the wealth then put the real b lame where it should be ….. The Poor

When did rewarding the productive person, the educated and successful change, when did achievement take the back seat to laziness, entitlement and expected Federal assistance benefits for worthless efforts to improve one position in life.

Maybe America needs to rethink entitlement programs and focus more on rewarding achievement to those receiving entitlements and assistants to not be on the system of Federal programs. Five year program plan to lower individuals dependences on Federal Assistant.
Presently there is no plan for any reasonable limits on Federal Assistants Program…Why not?

Suck to be Poor then stop being Poor and Stupid