Carrick Felix renigs, will not become first JUCO to attend Duke

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swamisez's avatar
Posts: 1,990
May 24, 2010 7:00pm
Surprising news today, Coach K's first JUCO recruit pulled the plug and has decided not to attend Duke.

No reasons were cited, but one could suggest it is because of Singler's return and Felix's likely lack in playing time as originally hoped.

Not a bad move for the kid, go to Southern Idaho, commit to Duke, go back to Southern so pro scouts will keep an eye on you since you were once going to be and ACC player
wildcats20's avatar
Posts: 27,794
May 24, 2010 7:04pm
Wonder if this was one of those things were Coach K told him he wouldn't get much time with Singler coming back??

I know people like to think that doesn't happen, but we all know it does.

But I agree swami, the scouts will keep an eye on the kid seeing that K wanted him. Probably the best move for him basketball wise.
Posts: 4,989
May 24, 2010 9:28pm
Nice to see something go right for a change. :)

In all seriousness, this probably won't hurt the Blue Devils that much. Like you guys said, too, Felix is definitely on the radar of the pro scouts now as well.
Posts: 2,569
May 24, 2010 11:17pm
will keep an eye on the kid seeing that K wanted him.
If he is good enough to play in the NBA, the pro scouts would have noticed him without k's help.That is their job.
reclegend22's avatar
Posts: 8,772
May 25, 2010 12:14am
I was surprised to see this myself, but, in terms of next season, this will have no effect whatsoever on the Blue Devils. With Singler's return, Felix was going to see minimal time to no time in November and December and then no time in January, February, March and (hopefully) April.

This is a great move for the kid, but a move that will likely hurt Duke a little in 2011-12, when Singler moves on. Hopefully, though, Josh Hairston and Tyler Adams will be there to help in the front-court depth department.
LJ's avatar
Posts: 16,351
May 25, 2010 12:25am
do you mean renege?
swamisez's avatar
Posts: 1,990
May 25, 2010 7:08am
I thought we quit we quit spelling french words and American-ized them after 9/11? :)

yes I do mean renege
Posts: 377
May 25, 2010 1:01pm
Wow. K went all Coach Cal on this kid. Surprising...
swamisez's avatar
Posts: 1,990
May 25, 2010 1:54pm
Coach Cal? explain?
Posts: 377
May 26, 2010 1:10pm
swamisez wrote: Coach Cal? explain?
It was TIC. Cal ran off Billy Clyde's guys last year. I was inferring K did the same to Felix once Singler came back. But no one got it :(
reclegend22's avatar
Posts: 8,772
May 28, 2010 10:14am
Actually, Felix probably decide to leave on his own account, knowing that Singler would dominate his minutes.

Two completely different situations, as Coach K was the coach who recruited Felix and Singler isn't a new recruit, but rather a player already on the team, one in which Felix knew there was a possibility of returning.

No, Coach K is just went all Coach K on this kid and has too many great players to know what to do with. Happens with the greatest coach to ever have stepped foot on the sidelines in the modern era (which K became after winning his fourth).
reclegend22's avatar
Posts: 8,772
May 28, 2010 10:15am
Then again, you knew all that:)
Posts: 2,569
May 28, 2010 12:28pm
Happens with the greatest coach to ever have stepped foot on the sidelines in the modern era (which K became after winning his fourth).
So, if Howard had made the miracle shot coach k would not be the best of the modern era? One shot by an opponent defines his career? WOW!!!
reclegend22's avatar
Posts: 8,772
May 28, 2010 3:15pm
Well, you've taken my quote, as usual, out of context to fit your little agenda (whatever that agenda is).

No, one play didn't define K's emergence as the greatest coach of the modern era (by my definition). But one championship did. Up until Duke won its fourth national championship under K, I had deemed his mentor, Bobby Knight, the greatest (I use modern era as the foundation of my assertion because, even if he did cheat, many will never believe anyone is greater than Wooden; I don't agree with this, but there are many that do).
Posts: 2,569
May 28, 2010 4:03pm
It wasn't out of context!!!
Up until Duke won its fourth national championship under K, I had deemed his mentor, Bobby Knight, the greatest
So, because duke won their 4th championship Bobby Knight is less of a coach??

I would agree that coach k is the most accomplished coach of your modern era. I don't believe the title of GREATEST fits any coach, past or present.