Reece Humphrey clinic at Olentangy Liberty Tuesday May 4th

Wrestling 6 replies 441 views
Shoot and Sprawl
Posts: 319
May 3, 2010 6:30pm
Reece Humphrey clinic at Olentangy Liberty Tuesday May 4th
6:00pm to 7:30pm
$10 payable to L.A.B.
cruiser_96's avatar
Posts: 7,536
May 3, 2010 9:34pm
Shoot and Sprawl! When you get over there, tell Mark that there is such a thing as a TIMELY warning!

Too bad you guys are having this on a Tuesday night. 90% of the wrestling community is up at our open mats. Yep... too bad.

And remember... If I've told you once, I've told you a million times... Don't exaggerate!

Anyone plan on taping this!?

I'd ask Nicola but I realize that he has a deep-seeded hatred for Reece. I think it has to do with a dream he recently had. Or it could be that I'm lying and that Nicola is the second biggest "Hump" fan there is; second only to his brother. Can anyone say, "restraining order"!?!?! I know I can.
Posts: 491
May 3, 2010 9:42pm
Hump is my second favorite Buckeye after CoMo. Cruiser, you struggle.
Shoot and Sprawl
Posts: 319
May 3, 2010 9:42pm
And I was sure cruisers reply would read, "Reece who?"

Also, I've seen what Mark could do to people on the mat, so I don't "tell" him anything. ;)
cruiser_96's avatar
Posts: 7,536
May 4, 2010 12:35pm
Doh! Shoot and Sprawl, I retract my previous post and would like to submit your suggestion as my post.

Who is Reece Humphrey?


As for "telling" Mark what to do... well played, sire... Well played.
cruiser_96's avatar
Posts: 7,536
May 7, 2010 11:33am
Well... How was it!?
double arm bars
Posts: 142
May 7, 2010 4:18pm
Very good. We will be having another one soon.