Twenty years after Raw Recruits.......

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Posts: 2,569
Apr 7, 2010 1:53pm
...system is even more of a cesspool.

As Vaccaro crusades against the system he helped create, he wants to clarify that long-ago statement. "What wasn't in there is that everyone was part of it," he says. "Everyone -- college coaches, the media, shoe companies, boosters, the schools. 'We start the process.' But that got lost with the word 'cesspool.' After that, no one wanted to go near me. I was Nostradamus, but I got ostracized and demonized.

"The fight I'm fighting is equality for all the kids. But not one college coach has called to say 'I back you.' Not one. I just talked with one or two high-ranking coaches and they don't even understand what I'm doing. They're just caught up in the lifeline of their own employment, winning games.".......

......The NBA has partnered with the NCAA, the biggest beneficiary of the draft-eligible age limit, to launch iHoops, an initiative that among other things was supposed to drain the youth basketball cesspool by bringing order and oversight to the summer scene. Instead iHoops has pursued deal-making, including a potential multi-million dollar arrangement to televise a national schoolboy tournament. The outgoing head of iHoops, Kevin Weiberg, admits to frustration as he leaves for a job in the Pac-10 office: "[There's] more involvement now in funding of clubs, teams, coaches, by agents and runners for agents. It's a very challenging issue for iHoops to get its arms around. ... Part of the problem is we had no regulatory authority in the space."

For "no regulatory authority in the space," read: cesspool.

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