posted by Automatik
Anyone know anyone vaccinated who's been hospitalized? I don't.
I do know of a highly regarded wrestling coach, who recently passed away from COVID. He was fully vaccinated and waiting for his booster. He was 80 years old, so I think that obviously played a part into it, and I don't know what his health record was, but externally he always stayed in great shape for his age.
Sad to see, but there are always many more variables to why people pass away from COVID. Generally speaking, it seems that most people who are vaccinated are avoiding hospital beds and death. A lot of friends I know that work in hospitals confirm this, and we also have FFL confirming it.
At the end of the day, I don't give a shit what your choice is, because it is your body. I will think you're an idiot if you come up with conspiracy theories, but I do know some people who have legitimate concerns or allergies. For those people, I have found you can have a decent convo about it and maybe convince them into taking it.
Regardless (and not to turn this into the other COVID thread), I have been over these dumbass recycled Government restrictions that have failed to do anything to save any lives. Those politicians still using the same tactics that have failed for over 2 years need to be tarred and feathered. I was just in Sweden and Denmark for over a week during Thanksgiving. They are both living life normally, especially Sweden. I think history will show that Sweden got it right from the beginning and if anyone wants to argue this, please copy this paragraph and take it to the other COVID thread. I don't want to hijack the booster thread, which I know I am already kind of doing.