posted by geeblock
So if I concede that Trump isn’t racist. Why do so many racist people invoke his name in racist rants against foreigners, gays, or POC? Serious question. What most recently makes me ask this is a group chat from an Ohio high school that has gone viral recently and several students after calling people faggots and nigger lovers signed off with trump 2020 or maga.
Also several rants at restaurants where for instance a guy in california berates some Asians and tells them that he can’t wait for trump to be de elected so they can be deported and he will get them. There are many examples I’m not going to name them all. So what makes people think trump hates, gays, people of color and foreigners? Like why do they have to have their own flag and say trump 2020 in people’s face? Of course I am voting for Biden.
You seriously can’t believe that because some people who are racist also love Trump, means that Trump is racist?
So from the 1800s through at least 1960s there were many Christians that used their belief system to defend racism, slavery, etc.
Does that make Jesus racist?
No, it makes the racists morons, not the person they are using to espouse their racist beliefs.